– field game for kids and parents

Today we invite you to a field game, which will take a full day. It is a blend and at the same a reminder of subjects discussed in all parts of the guide. The game is supposed to show the child and us - adults that finances can be about adventure and a carefree time spent with family.

We must first prepare for the exciting journey. Mum, Dad - print the map (preferably of the neighbourhood), on which you need to mark home, the bank, a shop, playground and park. If these places are not near home, then travel further or visit family or friends from another part of town or another town altogether (in that case print a map of a somewhat greater area).

Attach 10 envelopes to the map - the kids will find in them their assignments. In order not to confuse them you can write or draw on the envelopes the places where the assignments are to be done. It is also good to take a mobile phone with a camera and voice recorder, a skipping rope, a piece of chalk to draw on the pavement, sandpit toys and a handful of coins.

On the day of the game do not forget about comfy shoes, drinking water, a notebook and crayons. Also remember that we too must want it, otherwise the kids will not enjoy the trip together.

Begin by explaining to the child that we are starting a journey, during which they can win the trophy of superbanker (businessman, entrepreneur - take your pick). To get the trophy and put it on the chest you must visit the places shown on the map and do the assignments described in the envelopes. The parent accompanying the child will be needed to read them out. Go!

Below are some possible assignments.

  • Do something nice for another kid (if your child has no ideas, you can suggest lending a toy or playing together).
  • Do a physical exercise: 5 jumps on the left leg, 5 jumps on the right leg, 5 squats, 5 turns around.
taking care of others,
physical fitness
  • Make something interesting or exceptional from things in the park (if the kid had no ideas, we can suggest a picture arranged from leaves and branches, a city plan from pebbles, a squirrel playground).
  • Think-up a game for yourself and the parent (we can help the child here with the chalk or skipping rope).
  • Find things you could pay with, if the world was without money.
physical fitness
  • Buy one small item for money received from the parent (it is important for the kid to choose it, approach the cash desk, pay for the item and get the change; naturally the parent will stand next to the kid, but it must be given as much autonomy as possible).
using coins
  • Say to the voice recorder what a bank is.
  • Draw what is inside a bank (if the kid was never inside, go with him, ask it to remember as many details as possible and then to draw them; if the child does not want to draw, let him speak to the voice recorder about what he saw).
Knowledge of banking,
working memory,
stress management
  • Listening to the parent’s instructions help him send an online transfer.
  • Ask the parent to take coins out of the wallet and look for identical ones among them.
Knowledge of banking
using new technologies,

If the assignment has been completed, put a big X mark on the envelope and tuck it away in the backpack. When we have reached home and the kid has checked if all the assignments have been carried out, give him the last eleventh envelope. It contains a map of home and the place is marked on it where the trophy had been hidden (it can be a cup, a medal or something else, naturally prepared beforehand by the parent).

The adventure should be crowned with a photo taken with the kid and its award. The game may be modified and supplemented, e.g. by reading one of the following stories in the evening:

  • “Radość i wyspa Hop-Siup” by J. Tomaszewska and W. Kołyszko,
  • “Gdzie mieszka Radość” available online at

Good luck!