
The Foundation runs a program called #słuchaMywspieraMY in which grants are awarded for Bank employees to run social campaigns

About the programme

About the programme

In the fourth quarter of 2021, the Foundation launched a new edition of employee volunteering under the name #słuchaMYwspieraMY. Projects #słuchaMYwspieraMY were involved employees of the Bank Millennium Group or the banks’s partner.

The aim of the #słuchaMYwspieraMY programme is to promote and implement volunteering by employees, to spread the idea of volunteering and to have a long-term impact on the life of beneficiaries – individuals and entities as well as the local community – for those who found themselves in an extremely difficult situation during the pandemic.

All employees who design volunteering and undertake its implementation have a chance to win. What counts is not merely the idea, but also the number of volunteers taking part in the project and long-term impact of the action on the life of the local community. The most important thing is to be involved in helping, time spent on helping and own contribution of the volunteers, also in promoting the activities undertaken.

Voluntary activities of the Bank Millennium Foundation:
Project - Świetlica Akwarium


Initiative for people in the homelessness crisis


Initiative for a disabled centre in Gdańsk – painting
