

Bank Millennium expands its offer adding loans for companies with Biznesmax Plus and Ekomax guarantees

Bank Millennium develops its cooperation with Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) in the field of portfolio guarantee lines and introduces loans for companies with Biznesmax Plus and Ekomax guarantees on preferential terms.

- Thanks to public guarantees, we have offered our clients a longer than standard financing period – 3 years in the case of working capital loans, and up to 15 years in the case of investment loans, as long as the investment meets the criteria of the so-called green financing. In addition, in the case of investment loans, we have introduced a 10 percent standard minimum own contribution, reduced compared to financing without a Biznesmax Plus and Ekomax guarantee. For "green financing", we have waived the collection of the origination fee – says Antonio Pinto, Member of the Management Board of Bank Millennium.

Free Biznesmax Plus guarantees secure up to 80% of the loan amount financing innovative and eco-innovative investments aimed at the digital transformation of the enterprise or innovative activities.

Importantly, companies have the opportunity to apply for interest subsidies:
- at 5% of the loan amount per year, for a period of 24 months in the case of working capital loans, or
- at 20% of the loan capital, in the case of an investment for the digital transformation of enterprises, or
- at 10% in the case of an innovative or eco-innovative investment.

The offer of loans with Biznesmax Plus guarantees is available to entrepreneurs from the SME sector or small mid-caps or mid-caps companies. Subsidy preferences are available only to companies from the SME segment.

Bank Millennium's new offer also includes investment loans with Ekomax guarantees, which can secure up to 80% of the loan amount financing energy efficiency projects, consisting in thermal modernization of buildings or reduction of primary energy consumption by min. 30%. The offer is available to entrepreneurs from the SME sector or small mid-caps or mid-caps companies. Companies from the SME segment can use 20% subsidies to the capital of the loan amount.

All formalities related to the granting of guarantees and loans as well as interest subsidies or capital subsidies are carried out in Bank Millennium.