

Bank Millennium SA supports green investments

Bank Millennium SA granted sustainable financing to Olivia Star S.A. The amount of the transaction, executed in a consortium with other banks, amounted to nearly 83 mln EUR.

The loan was granted for the refinancing of the construction of the Olivia Star office building - one of the most modern, energy-efficient, green skyscrapers in Poland, whose innovative, pro-ecological solutions allowed to obtain, inter alia, the BREEAM certificate at the Excellent level. The granting of financing was preceded by a verification of the investment in relation to the requirements related to sustainable development.

- Environmental, social and governance issues are an important component of the Bank Millennium Group's organisational culture. Sustainability is the pillar that contributes to positive change today and in the future. Transformation towards sustainable business is a necessity today, but it requires financial outlays. We see our role in providing funding for green change. We are glad that we were able to support the Olivia Star project – says Renata Grzywacz, Head of the Structured Finance Department at Bank Millennium.

Olivia Star is the first project of this type in Poland, with e.g. a natural ventilation system on all office floors. The building is heated with heat from the earth's interior, the best available solutions for saving water, lifts with the option of energy recovery.

- We are glad to continue cooperation with our partners, green financing confirms that the adopted strategy of responsible business conduct is appreciated not only by tenants, who willingly choose Olivia as the location of their office, but also by banks financing investments related to ambitious criteria for green real estate - says Krzysztof Raćkos, Chief Financial Officer of Olivia Star.

Bank Millennium is guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Initiatives for environmental and climate protection have been part of the Bank Millennium Group's business strategy for years. The Group supports financing of environmentally-friendly and energy saving projects. More in the ESG report.