

Millennium Leasing finances green investments

Millennium Leasing supports companies in the green change. From January to the end of July 2024, the company financed green assets with a total value of over PLN 180 million, recording an increase of nearly 100% compared to the same period last year*. Green assets are financed at Millennium Leasing on preferential terms.

In addition to photovoltaic installations, whose share in this type of financing in January-July 2024 amounted to nearly 73% (considering the number of contracts)*, Millennium Leasing financed such interesting investments as the ORC turbine module with a heat recovery water boiler for zero-emission production of electricity and heat from waste disposal, as well as waste disposal/recycling machines – a shredder, a compactor for compacting waste or a recycling line.

- We are pleased with these results, because we have been supporting companies in sustainable development for years. Sometimes we come across the belief that green leasing is mainly used to finance photovoltaics or electric vehicles. Meanwhile, many assets that support the green transformation can be financed in this way, as exemplified by the projects in our portfolio. Looking at the data, photovoltaics still has the largest share in the financing structure, but thanks to the growing awareness of entrepreneurs and the expansion of the catalogue of green products, this structure is changing, we finance more and more diverse items - says Marcin Balicki, Chairman of the Management Board of Millennium Leasing.

For years, Millennium Leasing has been promoting the financing of items that support environmental protection and reduce carbon dioxide emissions, actively developing its offer of green leasing products.

The company offers, among others, a comprehensive offer of leasing ecological solutions, under which entrepreneurs can finance green assets in full and on preferential terms. The programme includes a wide selection of assets from almost 50 groups. It combines the possibility of taking advantage of various offers and promotions: reduction of leasing instalments, a promotion allowing for grace period for repayment of the first three leasing instalments, MilleSun or My Electric programme.

The MilleSun programme finances photovoltaic micro-installations up to 50 kWp and heat pumps, and soon also energy storage. Leasing in this programme is carried out in a simplified procedure, and an additional facilitation in obtaining financing for companies is the possibility of choosing a supplier of assets authorised by the company.

Millennium Leasing also participates in the My Electric programme, which guarantees customers subsidies for leasing zero-emission vehicles. The aim of the programme is to reduce air pollution emissions by reducing the consumption of emission fuels in transport.

The company also provides companies with eBOK - an online leasing self-service website that eliminates the need to send paper applications and documents. The eBOK service is already used by 93% of customers. It allows you to report all standard business regarding contracts and the leased item. It also allows you to exchange documents, including leasing agreements. At the end of July 2024, more than 62% of all applications were submitted online*.

*source: Financial data of Millennium Leasing for 2024