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July 2024

Bank Millennium among ESG leaders

Bank Millennium was on the podium of this year's edition of the "ESG Ranking. Responsible Management". In the G (Governance) section, it was ranked third. In the general classification it took a high 9th place.

See more -Bank Millennium among ESG leaders

Bank Millennium has launched Green Academy - an original development programme

Nearly 100% of Bank Millennium's corporate banking relationship managers have already received green ESG certificates as part of the Green Academy. This is Bank Millennium's proprietary development programme, which aims to improve the competences of relationship managers in the field of financing green investments and broadly understood ESG issues. The aim of the programme is also to support the development of a green financing portfolio, including investment financing, in line with the Bank's ESG strategy.

See more -Bank Millennium has launched Green Academy - an original development programme

June 2024

Bank Millennium expands its offer adding loans for companies with Biznesmax Plus and Ekomax guarantees

“In times of uncertainty, interest in economic education is growing. We have a good time to introduce systemic solutions in this regard,” argued the Bank Millennium Foundation during the European Financial Congress in Sopot.

See more -Bank Millennium expands its offer adding loans for companies with Biznesmax Plus and Ekomax guarantees

May 2024

Bank Millennium expands its offer adding loans for companies with Biznesmax Plus and Ekomax guarantees

Bank Millennium develops its cooperation with Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) in the field of portfolio guarantee lines and introduces loans for companies with Biznesmax Plus and Ekomax guarantees on preferential terms.

See more -Bank Millennium expands its offer adding loans for companies with Biznesmax Plus and Ekomax guarantees

Bank Millennium second in the Best Employers Poland 2024 ranking in the category "Banks and financial services"

Bank Millennium again came second on the ranking list of best employers in banking and financial services and 45th among all companies in the Best Employers Poland 2024 ranking prepared by Forbes Poland and Statista.

See more -Bank Millennium second in the Best Employers Poland 2024 ranking in the category "Banks and financial services"

Ruszył Millennium Docs Against Gravity. Bank Millennium po raz 19 mecenasem festiwalu i przedłuża współpracę na kolejne 3 lata

Wystartowała 21. edycja festiwalu Millennium Docs Against Gravity, największego festiwalu filmowego w Polsce. Tegoroczna edycja odbędzie się pod hasłem „W relacji ze światem”. Bank jest mecenasem festiwalu nieprzerwanie od 19 lat i przedłuża współpracę na kolejne 3 lata. Festiwal odbędzie się od 10 do 19 maja w siedmiu miastach (Warszawa, Wrocław, Gdynia, Poznań, Katowice, Łódź i Bydgoszcz), a następnie online - od 21 maja do 3 czerwca na

See more -Ruszył Millennium Docs Against Gravity. Bank Millennium po raz 19 mecenasem festiwalu i przedłuża współpracę na kolejne 3 lata

April 2024

Bank Millennium Group is back with a campaign supporting the planet – Our People'24: Save the Planet!

The next edition starts of Our People'24: Save the Planet! campaign. An initiative by employees of Bank Millennium as well as Bank Millennium Foundation volunteers. A programme that brings together employees around the idea of protecting the Planet through sports activities and volunteer work.

See more -Bank Millennium Group is back with a campaign supporting the planet – Our People'24: Save the Planet!

New image spot of Bank Millennium, extension of cooperation with Millennium Docs Against Gravity

The 21st edition of the Millennium Docs Against Gravity festival, of which Bank Millennium has been a patron for 19 years, will begin on 10 May. On this occasion, the Bank has prepared a unique image spot, promoting the largest documentary film festival in Poland. This year, the bank's cooperation with the festival will be extended for another three years.

See more -New image spot of Bank Millennium, extension of cooperation with Millennium Docs Against Gravity

Bank Millennium SA supports green investments

Bank Millennium SA granted sustainable financing to Olivia Star S.A. The amount of the transaction, executed in a consortium with other banks, amounted to nearly 83 mln EUR.

See more -Bank Millennium SA supports green investments

Bank Millennium in the report "Responsible Business in Poland in 2023. Good Practices" FOB

Two Bank Millennium practices: Millennium Eco-index and Our People'23: Save the Planet programme in the good practices report of the Responsible Business Forum.

See more -Bank Millennium in the report "Responsible Business in Poland in 2023. Good Practices" FOB