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July 2024

Current Report No. 22/2024

Estimated level of provisions against legal risk related to FX mortgage loans portfolio in the 2nd quarter of 2024.

The Management Board of Bank Millennium S.A. (‘the Bank’) informs that the estimated level of 2 nd quarter 2024 provisions for legal risk connected with FX mortgage loans originated by the Bank amounts to PLN518 million. Additionally, PLN57 million worth of provisions (without P&L impact) are estimated to be created against legal risk related to the loan book originated by former Euro Bank S.A.

See more -Estimated level of provisions against legal risk related to FX mortgage loans portfolio in the 2nd quarter of 2024.

June 2024

Current Report No. 21/2024

Upgrade of key ratings for Bank Millennium and maintenance of Positive outlook by Fitch rating agency

Bank Millennium S.A’s (‘Bank’) Management Board informs that on June 28, 2024, Fitch Ratings (‘Fitch’) upgraded the Bank’s Long-Term Foreign-Currency Issuer Default Rating (LT IDR) and Long -Term Local Currency IDR (LC LT IDR) to 'BB+' and maintained outlooks for these rating at ‘Positive. Additionally, Fitch upgraded to ‘bb+’ the Viability Rating (VR) for the Bank and upgraded to ‘BB+’ rating for the senior non-preferred bonds issued by the Bank.

See more -Upgrade of key ratings for Bank Millennium and maintenance of Positive outlook by Fitch rating agency

Current Report No. 20/2024

Information on completion of implementation of the Recovery Plan

With reference to Current Report No 21/2022 of July 15, 2022, the Management Board of Bank Millennium S.A. (‘the Bank’) informs that today it took a decision to complete the implementation of the Recovery Plan, notifying of the fact Polish Financial Supervision Authority and Bank Guarantee Fund.

See more -Information on completion of implementation of the Recovery Plan

Current Report No. 19/2024

Decision of BGF regarding MREL requirements

The Management Board of Bank Millennium S.A. ("Bank") announces that it received a letter from the Banking Guarantee Fund ("BGF") regarding a joint decision of the resolution authorities, i.e. the Single Resolution Board (SRB) and BGF obliging the Bank to meet the communicated MREL (minimum level for own funds and liabilities that may be eligible for redemption and conversion as defined in the Act of 10 June 2016 on the Bank Guarantee Fund, the Deposit Guarantee Scheme and Resolution) requirements

See more -Decision of BGF regarding MREL requirements

May 2024

Current Report No. 18/2024

Registration by the Court of changes of Articles of Association of Bank Millennium S.A. adopted by Bank’s General Meeting on March 27, 2024 in resolution no. 32

The Management Board of Bank Millennium S.A. (the “Bank”) informs that it learned that on 29th May 2024 the Regional Court for Warsaw in Warsaw, 13th Business Department of the National Court Register registered the changes of the Bank’s Articles of Association adopted in resolution no. 32 (“Resolution”) of the Bank’s Ordinary General Meeting of 27 March 2024.

See more -Registration by the Court of changes of Articles of Association of Bank Millennium S.A. adopted by Bank’s General Meeting on March 27, 2024 in resolution no. 32

Current Report No. 17/2024

Information on estimated negative impact of extension of credit holidays on 2nd quarter 2024 results of Bank Millennium S.A. Capital Group.

The Management Board of Bank Millennium S.A. (‘the Bank’) informs that, following the signing by the President of the Republic of Poland and announcement in the Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland of an Act of April 12, 2024 on changes to the Act on support for mortgage borrowers who are in challenging financial situation and the Act on crowdfunding for business ventures and assistance to borrowers (‘the Act’), introducing, among others, an extension of credit holidays for PLN mortgage borrowers by four more months in 2024, the Bank preliminarily estimates that the impact of the implementation of this Act on results of the Group would be in the range between PLN201 million to PLN247 million before tax.

See more -Information on estimated negative impact of extension of credit holidays on 2nd quarter 2024 results of Bank Millennium S.A. Capital Group.

April 2024

Current Report No. 16/2024

Update report - summary of the costs of subscription for senior non-preferred notes with total nominal value of EUR 100 million issued under the EMTN Programme

With regard to the current report no. 30/2023 of 25 September 2023 regarding closing of the subscription for senior non-preferred notes with total nominal value of EUR 100 million issued under the EMTN Programme

See more -Update report - summary of the costs of subscription for senior non-preferred notes with total nominal value of EUR 100 million issued under the EMTN Programme

Current Report No. 15/2024

Update report – summary of the costs of subscription for senior non-preferred notes with total nominal value of EUR 400 million issued under the EMTN Programme

With regard to the current reports no. 27/2023 dated 11 September 2023 regarding closing of the subscription for senior non-preferred notes with total nominal value of EUR 400 million issued under EMTN Programme

See more -Update report – summary of the costs of subscription for senior non-preferred notes with total nominal value of EUR 400 million issued under the EMTN Programme

Current Report No. 14/2024

Update of Bank Millennium ratings and change of rating outlook by Moody’s rating agency

Bank Millennium S.A’s (‘Bank’) Management Board informs that on April 26, 2024 Moody’s rating agency (‘Moody’s’) confirmed Bank’s long- and short-term deposit ratings at Baa3/P-3 and changed the outlook on the long-term deposit ratings to positive from negative.

See more -Update of Bank Millennium ratings and change of rating outlook by Moody’s rating agency

Current Report No. 13/2024

Registration by the Court of changes of Articles of Association of Bank Millennium S.A. adopted by Bank’s General Meeting on March 27, 2024 in resolutions no. 30 and 31

The Management Board of Bank Millennium S.A. (the “Bank”) informs that it learned that on 19 April 2024 the Regional Court for Warsaw in Warsaw, 13th Business Department of the National Court Register registered the changes of the Bank’s Articles of Association adopted in resolutions no. 30 and 31 (“Resolutions”) of the Bank’s Ordinary General Meeting of 27 March 2024. The Bank published the text of the Resolutions in current report No. 8/2024 of March 27, 2024.

See more -Registration by the Court of changes of Articles of Association of Bank Millennium S.A. adopted by Bank’s General Meeting on March 27, 2024 in resolutions no. 30 and 31