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Update the browserDecision of Polish Financial Supervision Authority on the expiration of the decision on additional own funds requirements (P2R buffer) on consolidated basis
The Management Board of Bank Millennium S.A. (“the Bank”), hereby reports that it received Polish Financial Supervision Authority’s („PFSA”) decision regarding the expiration of the decision of PFSA from 21 st December 2023 on additional own funds to secure risk resulting from FX mortgage for households loan portfolio („P2R buffer”) on consolidated basis. The Bank informed about this decision in the Current Report No. 40/2023 of 22 December 2023.
Selected preliminary non-audited results of Bank Millennium Capital Group in 4Q24 and FY2024
Bank Millennium S.A.’s Management Board (“Management Board”) hereby presents in the attachment "Selected preliminary non-audited results of Bank Millennium S.A. Capital Group in 4Q24/FY2024".
Bank Millennium becoming aware of the decision of the supervising person regarding his activity on the Supervisory Board of the Bank
The Management Board of Bank Millennium S.A. (the "Bank") informs that during meeting of the Supervisory Board held on 30 January 2025, Mr. Bogusław Kott informed that he decided to reduce his professional activity and therefore will cease his role as Chairman and Member of the Supervisory Board of Bank Millennium in the end of the current term of office.
Information on swap of the former BIG BANK SA shares into Bank Millennium S.A. shares.
In execution of the Decision of the Polish Securities and Exchange Commission (at present the Polish Financial Supervision Authority), of 3.01.2001, amended with decisions dated 22.05.2001 and 13.01.2004, on granting approval to transfer outside the regulated market 87,594 common bearer shares of Bank Millennium S.A. ("Bank"), obliging the Bank to disclose by announcement in the form of current reports
Decision of Polish Financial Supervision Authority on the expiration of the decision on additional own funds requirements (P2R buffer) on solo basis
The Management Board of Bank Millennium S.A. (“the Bank”), hereby reports that it received Polish Financial Supervision Authority’s („PFSA”) decision regarding the expiration of the decision of PFSA from 13th December 2023 on additional own funds to secure risk resulting from FX mortgage for households loan portfolio („P2R buffer”). The Bank informed about this decision in the Current Report No. 39/2023 of 14 December 2023.
Resignation of the Member of the Supervisory Board of Bank Millennium S.A.
The Management Board of Bank Millennium S.A. (the "Bank") informs that today Ms. Beata Stelmach, Member of the Bank's Supervisory Board, in connection with her appointment to the position of the President of the Management Board of another entity, resigned from the position of a Member of the Bank's Supervisory Board with effect from 31 January 2025.
Estimated level of provisions against legal risk related to FX mortgage loans portfolio in the 4 th quarter of 2024.
The Management Board of Bank Millennium S.A. (‘the Bank’) informs that the estimated level of 4th quarter 2024 provisions for legal risk connected with FX mortgage loans originated by the Bank amounts to PLN483 million. Additionally, PLN39 million worth of provisions (without P&L impact) are estimated to be created against legal risk related to the loan book originated by former Euro Bank S.A.