Current raports

20.07.2023 - time 17:05

Current Report No. 23/2023

Conversion of 128 registered shares of the Bank to bearer shares and establishing the date of their first listing after assimilation

The Management Board of Bank Millennium S.A. (“the Bank”) hereby informs about change of rights under shares issued by the Bank, consisting in conversion of 128 ordinary registered shares to 128 bearer shares.

The legal basis for the steps taken is Par. 30 sect. 5 of the Bank’s Articles of Association, in accordance with which assimilation of shares in The Central Securities Depository of Poland, after submission by shareholders of applications to convert shares from registered shares to bearer shares at the Bank’s expense, is made once in every calendar year and comprises all applications filed with the Bank until end of the second quarter of the particular year.

Before the conversion, these shares were ordinary registered shares, and after the conversion, they became bearer shares.

The Bank’s shareholders’ equity after making the above-described conversion, will not change and it shall be PLN. Total number of votes at the Bank’s General Shareholders’ Meeting after making the conversion shall be votes.

On 13 July 2023 the Management Board of The Warsaw Stock Exchange (“WSE”) in Warsaw passed resolution No. 773/2023 in the matter of introduction to trading on the WSE Main Market shares of Bank Millennium S.A. (“the Resolution"). The Resolution was passed in relation to an application submitted earlier, in which the Bank applied to WSE for introduction to trading on the primary market of 128 bearer shares of the Bank, which emerged after conversion from registered shares following their assimilation with shares listed on WSE bearing the code ISIN PLBIG0000016.

Pursuant to the Resolution the Management Board of WSE decided to introduce on 20 July 2023 to trading on the primary market 128 shares of Bank Millennium S.A. with nominal value of PLN 1 each, identified by The Central Securities Depository of Poland ("CSDP") with the code PLBIG0000024, provided that on 20 July 2023 CSDP converts these shares to ordinary bearer shares and assimilates them on 20 July 2023 with shares of Bank Millennium S.A, which are traded on the stock exchange and bear the code PLBIG0000016.

The Bank’s Management Board informs at the same time that on 14 July 2023 Central Securities Depository of Poland decided to perform assimilation after conversion of 128 registered shares issued by the Bank (ISIN code of the shares to be assimilated after conversion: PLBIG0000024). The date was set for performing assimilation after conversion in the depository system for 20 July 2023. ISIN code of the securities of the basic issue is PLBIG0000016.

Legal base: Par. 5 point 2) of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 29 March 2018 on current and periodical information disclosed by issuers of securities and conditions to be met when recognising as equivalent the information disclosed under laws of a state which is not a member state.