Current raports

07.05.2024 - time 18:15

Current Report No. 17/2024

Information on estimated negative impact of extension of credit holidays on 2nd quarter 2024 results of Bank Millennium S.A. Capital Group.

The Management Board of Bank Millennium S.A. (‘the Bank’) informs that, following the signing by the President of the Republic of Poland and announcement in the Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland of an Act of April 12, 2024 on changes to the Act on support for mortgage borrowers who are in challenging financial situation and the Act on crowdfunding for business ventures and assistance to borrowers (‘the Act’), introducing, among others, an extension of credit holidays for PLN mortgage borrowers by four more months in 2024, the Bank preliminarily estimates that the impact of the implementation of this Act on results of the Group would be in the range between PLN201 million to PLN247 million before tax. The estimated cost resulting from the Act will be booked in 2nd quarter 2024 accounts and its final estimate will be disclosed in the 1st half 2024 report.

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