The "Golden Sceptre" for Janusz Gajos

Janusz Gajos, one of the best Polish theatre, TV and film actor, was awarded Golden Sceptre 2005, the prize given by the Polish Culture Foundation and Bank Millennium. In justifying its decision the jury headed by Beata Tyszkiewicz stated that the prize was awarded for virtuoso theatre and film roles delving deeper into the truth about man today.
The award giving ceremony took place on 5 September 2005 in Teatr Stanisławowski in Łazienki Park, Warsaw. The evening scripted by Andrzej Poniedzielski reminded the acting career of Janusz Gajos. The participants included Leszek Możdżer, Anna Serafińska, Włodzimiesz Nahorny, Stanisław Tym and Kazimierz Kutz, who said: "Janusz is so lucky, but with complications. He is headstrong and this trait allowed him to become an actor, despite all the odds. For they did everything to discourage him from becoming one."
The Golden Sceptre's accompanying award, whose granting is in the gift of the Golden Sceptre Winner, went to Piotr Adamczyk, brilliant actor of the young generation.
Janusz Gajos is the seventh winner of "Złote Berło", the annual award established by the Polish Culture Foundation and Bank Millennium, previously given to: Jerzy Giedroyc, Wojciech Kilar, Stanisław Lem, Roman Polański, Ewa Podleś and Sławomir Mrożek. The award is a statuette (sculpted by Prof. Krzysztof Nitsch) and PLN 110 thous.Janusz Gajos
Janusz Gajos acted in 67 films over 1964-2005, which include such outstanding pictures as "Man of Iron", "Interrogation", "Pendulum", Three Colours - White" or "Green Scarf".
The actor is known for his flamboyant parts in popular serials like "Four Men in a Tank" or "Forty Something" and great theatrical creations on stage of Teatr Powszechny in Warsaw and TV Playhouse. His performances got him many accolades. His Turecki routine in "Kabaret Olgi Lipińskiej", regular TV show, made him a household name as a cabaret actor.