New image spot of Bank Millennium, patron of the Millennium Docs Against Gravity festival

In connection with the upcoming jubilee 20th edition of the Millennium Docs Against Gravity festival, Bank Millennium has prepared a unique image spot in which it talks about the values that guide it, while promoting the largest documentary film festival in Poland. The Bank is a sponsor of the event for 18 years in a row now.
- The spot is about the world, people, nature, climate support, the environment, about diversity. It is about us - Iwona Jarzębska, Director of the Public Relations Department at Bank Millennium, said - At Bank Millennium, for years, out of concern for the Earth, we have been promoting environmental protection and expanding environmental awareness. Just like the Millennium Docs Against Gravity festival supported by us, with which we share the same values. We have been proudly accompanying the festival for 18 years and we observe how wonderfully it develops. This is the most important cultural undertaking supported by the Bank. We want to share it with the broadest audience possible. It touches on many important and difficult topics that we as people and societies have to face, i.a. the war we have on our doorstep and its mechanisms. One of the more important ones is the protection of the planet – climate and the natural environment, including endangered species and forest areas, which play a key role in the fight against global warming. This idea has accompanied the Bank Millennium Group for a long time. In supporting this event we not only want to facilitate access to the world of culture, but also to social debate to a very broad extent - Iwona Jarzębska added.
This is OUR WORLD.
The whole world, small world, big world.
Frightening, delightful, astonishing.
A world worth fighting for.
A world to which one cannot remain indifferent
Let us be responsible for it!
Bank Millennium cares about what is most important:
environment, culture, local communities.
Preventing climate change and caring for the environment are priorities included in the strategy of Bank Millennium for 2022-2024. In the field of sustainable development, the following has been planned, among others: short and long-term goals for reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in all scopes, increasing financing for projects related to sustainable development and transformation of the Bank’s customers, lack of involvement in financing coal energy and mining, and support for initiatives to increase awareness and knowledge about climate change.
The image spot can be viewed on the bank's YouTube channelotwiera się w nowej karcie. The material will be broadcast in cinemas before the festival screenings and as part of the bank's campaign promoting the festival on YouTube, Instagram and Tik Tok, as well as contextually on Filmweb , naekranie.pl, gazeta.pl, wyborcza.pl, wysokieobcasy.pl and wp.pl. Creation has been prepared by Change Serviceplan. Starcom are responsible for media planning and buying.
Bank Millennium has been sponsoring the Millennium Docs Against Gravity festival and funding the Grand Prix during the festival already since 2006.
Bank Millennium has been involved in culture promotion for more than 30 years now. In parallel to its business it has supported national and local cultural events. It is a sponsor of culture on a 360° basis - promoting art in almost all its forms, including: music, painting, sculpture, film, theatre, photography, literature and performance. It reaches for niche and popular culture and is a long-term partner by design.
More about the bank’s sponsoring at:
https://www.bankmillennium.pl/o-banku/centrum-prasowe/mecenat-kulturyotwiera się w nowej karcie
For more about the festival go to: