Bank Millennium publishes sustainability report based on ESRS standards

Bank Millennium has prepared its first sustainability report in accordance with the new ESRS standards introduced under the CSRD Directive. The content of the report was developed on the basis of the results of the so-called double materiality assessment.
- This year, for the first time, we have prepared our sustainability report based on the new guidelines. We are convinced that the new reporting standards are a big step in the pursuit of ensuring the comparability of ESG data. It is also an additional motivator for companies to become even more committed to pro-environmental, pro-social and corporate governance initiatives and to integrate them into their business models. All the more so because the assessment of reported thematic areas is also made on the basis of the opinions of the company's stakeholders — said Magdalena Trzynadlowska, Directress of the Sustainability Department at Bank Millennium.
This year's Sustainability Report of the Bank Millennium Group, in accordance with the new guidelines, has been prepared on the basis of the results of the so-called double materiality assessment, according to which the Group's activities are analysed from two perspectives: external (the impact that the Bank has on the environment) and internal (the impact of the environment on the Bank's operations). The result of this assessment is the selection of topics included in the sustainability report.
In addition, in the report, the Bank published information on the Green Asset Ratio (GAR), which is based on the requirements of the EU Taxonomy.
Bank Millennium has been publishing reports on corporate social responsibility and sustainability since 2006, informing about the adopted goals and actions taken in the area of CSR then ESG. Since this year, it has become an integral part of the Management Board's Report on the activities of Bank Millennium and the Bank Millennium Group and is published as part of the consolidated annual report of the Bank Millennium Group for 2024. It is available on the Bank's website: www.bankmillennium.pl/documents/d/guest/1_management-report_millennium_2024 link otwiera się w nowym oknie. The sustainability report was also subject to attestation by an independent auditing firm.
The new disclosure obligations result from the provisions of the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), implemented in December 2024 into national legislation, and from the new reporting standards (ESRS - European Sustainability Reporting Standards).