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Bank Millennium starts a series of free seminars for entrepreneurs

Bank Millennium is starting a series of nationwide seminars titled "Technology loan - innovating into the future". The seminars are targeted at SME entrepreneurs and will take place in November in selected cities in Poland. The Key Partner in this initiative is Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego.

In November 2010 seminars will be held in Warsaw, Kraków, Katowice, Wrocław, Poznań, Bydgoszcz and in Gdańsk, to present measure 4.3 Technology Loan of the Innovative Economy Operational Programme for 2007-2013. 
Under Measure 4.3 support is planned for entrepreneurs who meet SME criteria (employment up to 250, annual sales up to EUR 50 million or total assets up to EUR 43 million) and intend to implement state-of-the-art technology in their business.
The Bank Millennium seminars provide a compilation of knowledge for entrepreneurs who are looking to use EU funding for implementation of new technologies - says Tomasz Kwiatek, Director of the Corporate Banking Marketing Department in Bank Millennium. In the course of the seminar all stages of applying for co-financing will be discussed, we will also give practical guidance as regards preparing application documents.
Participants in the seminars will have an opportunity to:

  • Acquire practical knowledge about the verification process, including formal and substantive criteria as well as most frequent mistakes made in applying for subsidies under IEOP Measure 4.3;
  • Learn about detailed requirements and rules for preparing application documents to meet requirements of the Act on Certain Forms of Supporting Innovative Activity;
  • Consult a BGK expert directly about an innovative idea or a specific project concept.

Schedule of seminars: Warszawa 09.11, Kraków 16.11, Katowice 17.11, Wrocław 18.11, Poznań 23.11, Bydgoszcz 24.11, Gdańsk 25.11.2010. Entrepreneurs interested in taking part in a seminar should call 22 598 15 55 or write to: The seminars are open and free-of-charge. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under IEOP technical assistance.