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Bank Millennium supports students

Bank Millennium has again awarded a scholarship to the best student of a BA course in Portuguese Literature. In 2017 the scholarship went to Paulina Junko, who graduated with the result of 4.85.

The scholarship is the result of a trilateral agreement signed last year between Bank Millennium, University of Warsaw and Camoes Institute and is meant to cover the cost of travel and stay in Portugal when attending a Portuguese language and culture course in a higher education institution. Paulina Junko declared that she will use the scholarship in the summer of next year.

― We are delighted to continue our cooperation with the University of Warsaw and with Camoes Institute – the Bank’s tried and tested partners. The three-year agreement allows us to support the development and intercultural experience of Polish students, thus increasing the popularity of the Portuguese language and culture in Poland and rewarding the best students. For years now the Bank has been involved with various educational projects because we know that such activities will bear fruit in the future ― Iwona Jarzębska, Director of the Public Relations Department of Bank Millennium, said.

― I want to congratulate the awarded Student 2017 in Portuguese Literature at the University of Warsaw as an example of the outstanding results that can be obtained through the cooperative engagement of a higher education institution, the Portuguese Government through Camões, I.P. and a private partner – Bank Millennium. I am sure that this successful initiative, to be repeated in the coming years, contributes significantly to a better knowledge of our two countries and to a closer relationship― said João Silva Leitão, the Ambassador of Portugal in Poland.

Camões Institute spreads Portuguese language and culture teaching abroad and promotes the Portuguese language worldwide.
The main shareholder of Bank Millennium is Millennium bcp – the biggest private bank in Portugal.