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An account for a good start of the academic year

October is the time when students return from the summer holidays to university. Apart from preparing for further months of study it is a good idea to open the Konto 360° Student account in Bank Millennium, to enjoy the various privileges reserved for its holders and to use the opportunity to take part in a competition with attractive prizes.

Konto 360° Student is targeted a persons aged 18 - 26. Konto 360º Student is available free of charge, while in order to enjoy its other benefits:

  • PLN 0 for the debit card (Visa Konto 360º),
  • PLN 0 for cash withdrawals from all ATMs in Poland,
  • PLN 0 for cash withdrawals from all ATMs abroad,

it is sufficient to i.a. make 1 payment in a month with the debit card. Free of charge are also domestic transfers in PLN via Millenet and mobile banking, execution of standing orders and transfers to e-mail and mobile phone number. Holders of this account can also save on better terms than the standard ones. Moreover Konto 360º Student can also have a Visa EURO26 card issued, thanks to which various rebates will be available in Poland and abroad as well as attractive insurance. 

On the occasion of the new academic year in October Bank Millennium will visit selected universities all over Poland. Specially prepared Bank Millennium stalls will be available to open the Konto 360° Student account without undue hassle and to enjoy the bank account full of benefits. 

Additionally with new holders of Konto 360° Student in mind we prepared a special competition. All new Customers of Bank Millennium who open Konto 360º Student this October, use their new debit card, internet banking and the Bank Millennium mobile app by the end of November, and then briefly describe their impressions (maximum of 1500 characters) and send the text to Bank Millennium, may win attractive prizes:

  • 10 x KINDLE e-book reader
  • 30 x iPod Shuffle 

Awards in the competition will go to those participants who present their impressions from using the services of Bank Millennium in the most acute and creative way. 

Detailed information and regulations of the “Check out Konto 360° Student and share your opinion” are available at: