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New Bank Millennium commercial

Bank Millennium is encouraging people to use the currency exchange facility on its smart mobile app. A new advertising campaign has just been launched on television and online.

In a new commercial, Bank Millennium takes us on a journey to London. The recipe for a successful outing is not only to find a cool place, but also to use the services of a currency exchange facility in a modern banking app. Maciej Musial in the spot demonstrates how to easily exchange currency at a favourable rate. Then he and his friends roam the streets of the British capital, where he pays conveniently in local currency with his account card for local attractions - a tourist bus ride or shopping at the famous Camden Market.

- My way to a successful trip abroad. Step one: choose a nice spot. Step two: enter the Millennium app and easily exchange currency at the exchange facility at a favorable rate. Step three: enjoy the journey! And pay conveniently with a Millennium 360° account card linked to your foreign currency account. Exchange currency in the Millennium app, and you will always have your expenses abroad under control - Radosław Kotarski and Maciej Musiał convince in the advertising spot.

The new television commercial will be shown on national channels, selected thematic channels and on Bank Millennium’s channel on YouTube. The campaign will also be online. The TV campaign was created by Change Serviceplan. Media were bought by Starcom.

The option to exchange currencies directly on its mobile app was made available by Bank Millennium last summer holidays. The service allows you to buy or sell currencies instantly within your accounts. Euros (EUR), dollars (USD), British pounds (GBP) and Swiss francs (CHF) can be exchanged at the exchange facility. App users can also indicate a preferred rate and will receive an in-app notification when the exchange rate reaches the selected value. The bank also allows foreign currency accounts (EUR, USD, GBP and CHF) to be linked to any debit card. This opens up the possibility of paying in currency with the money held in these accounts. The solution makes foreign travel much easier.

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