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Saving without limits on the FX Savings Account

Bank Millennium has launched another promotion of the FX Savings Account. Customers depositing new money in USD will get an above-average interest rate of 1.2% per annum, while EUR will generate 0.8%.

Any time is good to start saving for the foreign trip you have been dreaming about. Saving in the currency of the country, which you are planning to visit, has many advantages. First of all you know how much money you have already accumulated, without the need to make currency conversion calculations. Moreover interest on the savings is paid in the respective currency. An additional incentive to put your euros and dollars on the Savings Account is undoubtedly the very appealing interest rate.

Promotional interest rates for new money on Konto Oszczędnościowe Walutowe

Promotional interest rates on new money per year USD EUR
Up to USD 50,000 1,20% -
Up to EUR 30,000 - 0,80%
Surplus over USD 50,000 0,50% -
Surplus over EUR 30,000 - 0,20%


FX Savings Account – benefits without limits:

  • any amount may be deposited  
  • flexible access to savings without losing interest
  • protection against FX rate fluctuation
  • monthly capitalisation of interest
  • high promotional interest rate on new money during 3 months.

The promotion shall continue till 24 June 2017. The promotional interest rate will be valid for 92 days and shall be applied from the day, on which the first amount of new money is deposited on the FX Savings Account during the Promotion period. Terms and conditions are stipulated in the Rules and Regulations available on and in Bank Millennium branches throughout Poland.