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Bank Millennium Group employees support the planet in Our People'23: Save the Planet!

Our People’23:Save the Planet! has started Since 24 April this year, the employees of Bank Millennium Group, through various sports activities, have been collecting funds for the implementation of ecological projects of the Bank Millennium Foundation. The action aims, on the one hand, to encourage physical activity, and on the other hand, to draw attention to the protection of the natural environment, which is crucial for human well-being.

The campaign is open to all employees of Bank Millennium Group, who will support the noble goal of eco-volunteering of the Bank Millennium Foundation this year. It will be implemented by volunteers-employees, in their own initiatives and ideas for protecting the planet.

The joint action aims to promote social values such as solidarity, care for the environment and a healthy lifestyle.

During this year's initiative "Our People'23: Save the Planet", Bank Millennium employees have the task of collecting points and kilometres for their physical activity - on legs, on wheels and exercising - together or in a group. Each point gained will be converted into zlotys, and participants will be able to track their progress in a special Activy app. The action will be accompanied by internal challenges and competitions integrating the banking community.

- We are very pleased with this initiative. This is a unique event for our community, which brings together employees for a noble purpose. We want to reach awareness and promote a healthy, active lifestyle and "being and living eco". Caring for the environment and the planet is an absolute matter of course and necessity today. We do not just want to talk, we want to act - together, consciously and with commitment to integrate employees around a good goal. In the first days of the campaign, over 1000 people have already registered in the programmesays Iwona Jarzębska, Chairwoman of the Bank Millennium Foundation.

In order to increase interest in the campaign and engage their community around the action for the planet, Bank Millennium and Bank Millennium Foundation prepared a promotional video in which Bank Millennium employees took part. They, along with all participants, are the ambassadors of the action. See the video.

The video was made for the bank and the Bank Millennium Foundation by the Wrocław-based creative agency John Weston Group. The material is available in internal and external channels of Bank Millennium and Bank Millennium Foundation.