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Bank Millennium mortgage promotion introduction

MilleKredyt DOM starting from 1,40% in Swiss Francs, without commission!

Starting from October 1st 1), 2005.  Bank Millennium starts the fall promotion of mortgage and home equity loans, which enables to take advantage of very attractive conditions:

  • Significantly decreased interest rates for MilleKredyt DOM in F/X:
    • from 1,40% to 2,89% in CHF (margin from 0,61% to 2,10%),
    • from 2,79% to 4,28% in EUR (margin from 0,61% to 2,10%),
    • from 4,68% to 6,17% in USD (margin from 0,61% to 2,10%).
  • Exceptional low interest rate for MilleKredyt DOM in PLN – just from 4,99% to max 5,75% (margin from 0,49% to 1,25%).
  • 0 PLN for appraisal, if ordered by Bank
  • 0% banking commission.

Mortgage promotion is accompanied with multimedia advertising campaign. Starting from October 7th until the first week of November, the latest MilleKredyt DOM advertisement to be issued on the nation-wide TV channels. The main advantages of Bank Millennium mortgage offer, which will be underlined are the very attractive terms: especially decreased interest rates and 0% banking commission.
Spots are to be broadcast on the most popular TV channels, as: TVP 1, TVP 2, TVN, TVN 24 and Polsat. Advertisement to be also presented in the radio stations: Radio ZET, Trójka and RMF FM and national and local newspapers. Mortgage promotion will be also shown in the internet, on 5 portals with interactive campaign.
Thanks to  the consistent realisation of mortgage development strategy, Bank Millennium reaches record results in sales – worth of mortgage portfolio increased to 2.359 mm PLN (status on June 30th 2005), in comparison with 1.360 mm PLN at the end of the first half of 2004 (increase by 73%).
Worth of granted loans, at the end of the first six months, amounted to 1.105 mm PLN. Such good sales results give Bank Millennium the third position on the market with 10.46% market share after first half of the year.
Bank Millennium mortgage offer brings huge interest among Customers, especially: price, easiness of getting a loan, acceptance of wide range of income sources and simplification of procedures.
Also important to our Clients is offer availability and quality service. It is also worth underlining a novelty on the market, warmly welcomed by Clients, are specialised Centres – Millennium Centrum Kredytów Hipotecznych – which currently operate in 19 cities throughout Poland. In the nearest future, the next Mortgage Centres in Gliwice, Koszalin and Opole will be opened.

Bank Millennium mortgage offer wins approvals successively not only Clients, but also independent experts and media. In the latest rank of Expander company , Bank Millennium has placed leading positions among 20 banks, taking:

  • 1st place in the categories: The best bank for people who earn income under contract of mandate or performing a specified task and The best consolidation loan;
  • 2nd place in category: Bank which lends highest amounts and the cheapest loan in Swiss Francs with loan amount 200 thds. PLN, for 80% LTV
  • 3rd place in the categories: The best bank for individual business activity and the best loan for DIY building of a house.

1) Promotional conditions are offered from October 1st 2005 to November 30th 2005, to Clients who place an application within 14 working days from the first contact with bank and promotional certificate, issued no later than November 30th 2005.