
The Millennium customer has access to a range of modern and convenient ways of making money transfers.

Transfers in Millennium can be done:

Millenet saves time and money and provides 7/24 full control over your finances via the Internet.

  • in each of the almost 450 branches in Poland

If you prefer traditional banking service or want to visit us once in a while, then visit a Millennium branch anywhere in Poland.

Our Consultants will provide you with 7/24 information and will carry out your instructions.

  • in multifunctional Millennium ATMs

In multifunctional ATMs of our bank you can make transfers to your receptions accounts > Bill payments

ELIXIR session

Interbank domestic transfers are performed by the National Clearing Chamber with ELIXIR system.

Sessions in this system take place at the following times:

  • 10:30-11:00 - transfer instruction may be placed by 8:10, incoming instruction is booked for 12:00
  • 14:30-15:00 - transfer instruction may be placed by 12:10, incoming instruction is booked for 15:30
  • 17:00-17:30 - transfer instruction may be placed by 14:40, incoming instruction is booked for 17:30


Closing hours - foreign transfers

Instant transfers

Instant transfers service lets you tranfer funds to other banks within just a few seconds. Transfers are processed in real time with full security of the transaction.

The service is available to each private and microbusiness customer who:

  • has active access to the Millenet transactional system,
  • has a current account in PLN, from which the transfers can be made,
  • has sufficient money on the account to make the transfer.


To make a transfer:

1. Log on to Millenet

2. From the menu on the left select the option: Transfers > Instant.

3. Fill-in the transfer form.

When filling-in the form you can use the list of defined domestic beneficiaries.

NOTE! An instant transfer may be made only to banks, which participate in the Express Elixir instant transfers system. Check the Express ELIXIR website to see, which banks are already available in the system.

4. Confirm the transfer

Customer segment Transfer fee Daily limit
Individual 5 PLN 10 000 PLN
Prestige 5 PLN 10 000 PLN
Private Banking 0 PLN 50 000 PLN
Biznes 10 PLN 20 000 PLN

The service is provided in the Express ELIXIR system, delivered by Krajowa Izba Rozliczeniowa S.A.

Bank Millennium is one of the first banks on the Polish market to offer instant transfers to its Customers!

Instant transfers you can make to those banks who signed the agreement with KIR and are members of Express ELIXIR system.

To check the list of participating banks and their availability hours go to the Express ELIXIR web site.


  • Speed – the transfer reaches the beneficiary within a few dozen seconds.
  • Availability – the service is also available on holidays, when interbank ELIXIR clearing is not done (traditional domestic Elixir transfers).
  • Direct transfers – the money is transferred directly to the beneficiary's account, without participation of intermediary entities or accounts.
  • Ease of use – make transfers conveniently through Millenet.
  • Fixed fee – the fee is independent of the transfer amount.


  • Can anyone make an instant transfer?

    Instant transfers are available to Individual and Biznes Customers, who have active access to the Millenet transactional system and have a current account in PLN, from which they can make transfers.

  • Do I need to pay for an instant transfer?

    Yes, this service is available for a price. The fee for a single transfer is as follows:

    • Individual/Prestige Customers – PLN 5
    • Private Banking Customers – PLN 0
    • Biznes Customers – PLN 10

    The fee is fixed and does not depend on the transfer amount.

  • Can instant transfers be made at any time?

    In Bank Millennium instant transfers can be made on a 24/7 basis. Whether a transfer can be made to a specific bank depends on service availability as well as the hours of accepting such transfers.

    Check the Express ELIXIR website to see, which banks are already available in the system.

  • Can instant transfers be made from any account?

    An instant transfer can be made only from an account kept in PLN, which is available through the Millenet system.

  • Is there a limit on the daily amount of instant transfers?

    Yes, there are daily limits on instant transfers:

    • Individual/Prestige Customers – PLN 10,000
    • Private Banking Customers – PLN 50,000
    • Biznes Customers – PLN 20,000

    The utilised part of the daily limit for instant transfers is taken into account in the overall utilised amount of the daily limit for all transactions in Millenet (this can be changed in Millenet under the bookmark Profile/Security settings).

  • Can an instant transfer be sent to any bank?

    Bank Millennium is one of the first banks to join the system of instant transfers. The list of banks, to which instant transfers can be made, is available on the website Express ELIXIR – their number will gradually grow.

Single Euro Payment Area SEPA

SEPA -Single Euro Payments Area where Customers and developers can make and receive cross-border payments in Euro. Sepa guaranties possibility of making and receiving payments from domestic country to another country in SEPA area using common standards-base on the same rules, law and duties-don't matter on the making operation place.