About Qlips invoices and bills

How does it work?

Do you run a medium-sized or large business? Are you a service provider and issue invoices? If yes, then you know how important it is to get paid on time by your Clients.

You can improve the receivables inflow with Qlips invoices and bills. This service gives you a new channel for distributing information on liabilities. Your Client receives information on a payment due directly to their electronic banking account. Such information may also contain a link to the invoice that allows the recipient to view the document. Client can pay invoices easily with just a few clicks, without having to enter transfer details manually. They can also set for all your invoices convenient automatic payments that will always reach you on time.

What you gain?

In order to conveniently send invoices to your Clients using Qlips invoices and bills, you don't need to install any new software or adjust your financial and accounting system. Information on Clients and their liabilities can be easily imported to Millenet for Corporate as a text file.

With Qlips invoices and bills you can:

  • accelerate the client receivables inflow
  • acquire new channel for informing Clients of their payments due
  • gain overview of all payments thanks to automatic reports
  • send invoices to Clients without having to acquire their consent as the Bank will do it for you
  • 0 zł za prowadzenie konta oraz kartę do niego

Qlips invoices and bills service is a joint initiative of the largest banks in Poland operating by The Polish Bank Association (ZBP). The service is integrated by the National Clearing House (KIR S.A.) which guarantees safe and secure invoice distribution process by creditors and invoice authorizations by payers.

How to use?

If you want to benefit from Qlips invoices and bills by sending information on payments to your Clients even more conveniently and by easily checking the payment status, contact your Advisor.


Sign the agreement and adjust the configuration to your needs (e.g. define users' authorizations, invoice database etc.).

Once your company receives approval, you will get a confirmation your company was registered in KIR National Clearing House

Within max 7 days of signing the agreement, the service will be set up in your internet banking system according to your desired configuration.


Sign the agreement and adjust the configuration to your needs (e.g. define users' authorizations, invoice database etc.).


Once your company receives approval, you will get a confirmation your company was registered in KIR National Clearing House


Within max 7 days of signing the agreement, the service will be set up in your internet banking system according to your desired configuration.

Who can use the service?

Qlips invoices and bills service is especially advantageous to all organizations which regularly issue invoices to individuals and small-sized companies. We specifically recommend this solution to telecommunications companies, Internet and media providers, insurance companies, cable TV providers, travel agencies and local authorities.

The service is available to creditors who are Bank Millennium clients and:

  • hold a Bank Millennium settlement account in PLN
  • have access to Millenet for Corporate internet banking system
  • concluded an appropriate agreement with the Bank
  • meet the risk criteria related to the provision of E-invoice service

Contact us

Fill in the form

Our Corporate Advisors will call you back and answer all your questions.

Contact Advisor

801 31 31 31
available for fixed-line and mobile phones
(Mon.-Fri. 08:00-19:00)