What is Millenet Link?

Millenet Link enables quick data transfer between your company financial and acconting system and the online banking system Millenet for Corporate. Millenet Link is also automatic data exchange with the factoring system. With Millenet Link:

  • you download current financial data from Millenet for Corporate
  • you carry out payment orders signed with a qualified certificate
  • you send payment orders to Millenet for Corporate
  • you do not have to import or export data manually
  • you operate the factoring agreement directly from the financial and accounting system of your company

Data exchange through Millenet Link is possible due to the mutual information transmission in XML format using web-services technology.

What do you get?

Thanks to Millenet Link directly from your company financial and accounting system you can:

  • get information about available and accounting balance
  • check account history in the chosen period
  • execute domestic, foreign and express payments by signing them with a qualified certificate
  • order payments: domestic, foreign, express etc.
  • receive MT940 and PDF statements for chosen period
  • get statuses of ordered payments
  • get special reports you order
  • send accepted statements of receivables for purchase under factoring
  • receive information about current settlements with contractors submitted to the factoring

What do you gain?

  • you have access to current data about transactions on bank accounts directly in your company financial and accounting system
  • you have access to current settlements of factoring transactions directly in the company's financial and accounting system
  • you can generate transfers for authorisation directly in your company financial and accounting system
  • you can accept invoices for purchase directly in the company's financial and accounting system without additional authorizations outside the system
  • high level of security is provided by HTTPS channel and SSL bilateral authentication
  • you eliminate the risk of mistakes in the data exchange process
  • you save time and money - data exchange processes are automatic

Millenet Link service is in accordance with ISO 20022 norm and Recommendation of Polish Bank Association (ZBP) regarding adaptation of the standard of financial deta exchange between Client and Bank and Bank and Client on the Polish market.


Check which financial accounting system/ERP is integrated with Millenet

Bank Millennium establishes relations with selected producers of financial accounting system/ERP (Bank's Partners) in order to integrate Millenet online banking system with their software.

Systems integrated with Millenet Link

Millenet Link step by step

In order to use Millenet Link and send data even more effectively:


Fill in the application to start the service and give it to your Advisor. Application is available here.

Buy communication certificated issued by one of the companies recommended by the National Bank of Poland. You can find the list of companies here.

Ask your Advisor to activate the service.


Fill in the application to start the service and give it to your Advisor. Application is available here.


Buy communication certificated issued by one of the companies recommended by the National Bank of Poland. You can find the list of companies here.


Ask your Advisor to activate the service.
