Settlement in Chinese yuan

Are you trading with China? For your convenience, we have introduced comprehensive financial services in Chinese yuan - settlement account, foreign exchange, forward contracts, foreign transfers as well as a range of trade finance (letters of credit, guarantees and counter-guarantees, documentary collection).

Settlement in Chinese yuan will give you competitive advantage by:

  • lowering the cost of transactions (avoid multiple currency conversion)
  • reducing the settlement time and easier valuation of commodities' price
  • simplifying trade procedures between parties

Instant transfers also to ZUS, tax offices and customs offices

In Millenet for Corporate you can make instant transfers also to ZUS (Polish Social Insurance Institution), tax offices and customs offices. Pay insurance contributions, taxes and customs duties in real-time.

Thanks to Express Elixir instant transfers:

  • public institutions receive your payments immediately
  • your transfer will reach the recipient's account even if you make at the last moment (on payment due date)

When making a transfer through your internet banking system, e.g. to ZUS, apart from "Standard" option, you can select "Instant transfer" option.

Fees for Express Elixir instant transfers are set out in Price List for Customers of Corporate Banking.

Payment cut-off times for domestic transfers according to "Payment cut-off times at Bank Millennium SA - Domestic transfers”.

Payment cut-off times for foreign transfers according to "Payment cut-off times at Bank Millennium SA - FX transfers".

New forms

Every day you try to take care of transparency of financial accounts and all business documents. Making payments is an important part of your work and we want this process to be as intuitive as possible, not taking more time than it is absolutely necessary. This is why together with our Customers we have redesigned the Payments section to bring it even closer to your needs.


  • Fill-in every transfer form
    quickly and conveniently

  • The process is more
    intuitive and transparent

  • The applied solutions
    help minimise errors

Key changes

Error alert

Now when leaving a field you will get an immediate alert if the value in the field is incorrect. Filling-in the form correctly will be easier.

Saving transfer titles

The possibility to save transfer titles will come in handy particularly when the titles are the same when paying other recipients.

Automatic prompting of NIP and REGON numbers

Automatic prompting of NIP and REGON numbers with Save option will minimise risk of error and will speed up the process of sending a transfer to ZUS or the Tax Office.

Improved data import

To further increase your comfort we have upgraded the import of files containing orders.

The main changes include:

  • more intuitive and user-friendly interface,
  • increased security thanks to disabling selected functionalities for uses without proper permission settings,
  • possibility to set a precise date for a batch of transfers (not only setting a current date but also a future date for imported files),
  • expanded error handling for imported files (direct preview of the incorrect record, error list export function, possibility to import only a part of the incorrect file),
  • import of files in the popular XML format.

Import the XML files

Assuring stability of your business operations is our priority.

That is why we have adjusted Millenet to the latest EU regulations and improved the file import function by adding XML file format. XML can be used for all types of payments and enables to:

  • save multiple orders in a single file (internal, domestic, foreign, tax orders with various priorities),
  • import orders to multiple folders with a single file,
  • set additional import parameters directly in the file and not in the system (mass payments, overwriting execution date, passing to authorization),
  • choose between two import modalities: manual and automatic.

The above function of SEPA transfers based on ISO 20022 XML message standard conforms to Regulation (EU) No 260/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2012 establishing technical and business requirements for credit transfers and direct debits in euro and amending Regulation (EC) No 924/2009.



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If you have any remarks or want to contribute to development of our system – get in touch with us.

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801 632 632
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