Get support through the Active Parent programme

Apply online via the mobile app or Millenet

About the Active Parent programme

Support under this programme can help you balance childcare and work. You are entitled to support for each child aged between one and three years. Depending on your needs, you can receive one of 3 benefits:

  • active parents at work - you are eligible to this benefit if parents or guardians are economically active and the child does not go to a nursery or children's club or is not under the care of a day-care provider
  • actively in a nursery - you can claim this benefit if your child goes to a nursery, children's club or is looked after by a day-care provider
  • active at home - you can get t if one of child's parents or guardians is unwilling or unable to work

You can find the full benefit conditions on the ZUS website (in Polish)link opens in a new window.

Key information

Applications for benefits under the Active Parent programme can be made from 1.10.2024 and can be found in Millenet and the mobile app

Benefits under the Active Parent programme are:

  • available regardless of your family's income
  • not subject to administrative or bailiff enforcement
  • exempt from advance personal income tax, social security and health insurance contributions

Depending on your situation, you can change the type of benefit several times. Remember that you can only receive one benefit per child in a given month.

How to apply

  1. 1
    How to apply -

    Choose the right application form

    Choose one of the 3 available application forms. You can find them in the MilleUrząd tab in Millenet and the mobile app

  2. 2
    How to apply -

    Fill in the form

    Enter the data needed to claim the benefit

  3. 3
    How to apply -

    The application is transferred to ZUS

    After verification, we will send your application to ZUS

  4. 4
    How to apply -

    ZUS verifies the application

    The Social Insurance Institution verifies your application

  5. 5
    How to apply -

    You receive information about granting the benefit

    You will receive information about the granting of the benefit to the e-mail address specified in your application


  • The programme is aimed at parents and guardians of children aged between one and three years. Support is available to:

    • persons with Polish citizenship
    • citizens of other EU, EFTA and UK countries
    • citizens of other countries who are residing in Poland on the basis of a residence card with access to the labour market or other document that confirms legal residence in Poland
  • The amount of the subsidy depends on the type of benefit.

    • the amount of the Active Parents at Work benefit is PLN 1500 per child. If the child has a disability certificate, the amount of the benefit increases to PLN 1900.
    • the amount of the active parents at daycare benefit is PLN 1500 per child. If the child has a disability certificate, the benefit amount increases to PLN 1900. However, the benefit cannot be higher than the amount of the monthly fee for a day nursery, children's club or day carer.
    • The amount of the Active at Home benefit is PLN 500 per child. The benefit is not available to parents and carers who have collected Family Care Capital in the total amount of PLN 12,000, even if the child is under 3 years of age.
  • Applications can only be submitted to ZUS electronically via:

    • electronic banking
    • the PUE ZUS platform
    • the government Emp@tia portal
  • Applications for support can be submitted from 1.10.2024.