Going to meet up together?

Send your friends a BLIK transfer request for a simple and easy way to settle your joint outing

Pay contactless with BLIK - no card, no code, fast and secure

When making an order on the Uber Eats platform, choose to pay with BLIK and receive:

  • you don't rewrite the code
  • you don't need a card
  • you don't have to log in to the app
  • you can choose your current account or your credit card account as your payment source

Reaches your account in a flash and completely for free

Send BLIK transfers to mobile

  • you do not need to know the account number you want to send money to, you only need recipient's phone number – enter it yourself or choose from the contact list of your phone
  • BLIK icon next to the phone number on the contact list in the app will show whether your friend can receive BLIK transfer to mobile
  • money will reach recipient immediately, also on weekends and holidays
  • you do not spend a thing because transfer is free of charge

Receive BLIK transfers to mobile

  • Register your phone number in the mobile app. In order to do so:
  • log in to the Bank mobile app
  • on the main screen choose BLIK code > BLIK settings > Transfer to mobile settings or from the menu choose Settings > Payment settings > Transfer to mobile settings
  • select default account for BLIK transfers to mobile
  • Now you can conveniently send and immediately receive BLIK transfers to mobile 24/7, even at weekends and holidays.

Transfer can be made to a beneficiary who has an account in banks offering BLIK transfer to mobile service, therefore:
Bank Millennium, Alior Bank, ING, mBank, PKO Bank Polski, Getin Bank, Credit Agricole, Noble Bank, Bank Pekao, Bank Ochrony Środowiska.

  1. 1

    Log in into mobile app and choose BLIK transfers to mobile

    Next choose accounts, from which you will make transfer.

  2. 2

    Fill in the beneficiary name and phone number of the recipient, as well as the amount and and transfer description

    BLIK icon next to the phone number will show if that person can get BLIK transfer to mobile. Click Next and afterwards Confirm.

  3. 3

    Transfer will be sent and will reach the recipient immediately

    If the recipient's phone number is not registered, sending transfer will not be possible.