Financial education for children and the implementation of initiatives for local communities through volunteering are the main activities of the Bank Millennium Foundation in 2024. The Foundation's key projects implemented in the past year are summarised in the published report.

In 2025, the Bank Millennium Foundation celebrates its 35th anniversary. The Foundation's plans are to continue the financial education programme with a review of its accessibility for children and parents with disabilities, as well as to continue the employee volunteer programme to further increase the involvement of a group of employee volunteers and to broaden the focus of initiatives. Even more staff volunteers are involved in both of the Foundation's key activities each year, resulting in more valuable initiatives being implemented.

- The Bank Millennium Foundation is known for its support of culture, its proprietary financial education programme for children and parents, and its voluntary work. For me, as someone who has been running the Bank Millennium Foundation for almost a decade, it is volunteering that is of particular value. Year on year, we can observe more and more of greater and greater commitment of our colleagues into volunteering. In 2024, not only did we carry out activities for ecology and climate protection, but our volunteers responded instantly to the needs of the moment by supporting the victims of the floods that hit Poland and also supported the financial education programme the Financial ABC - Iwona Jarzębska President of the Management Board of the Bank Millennium Foundation

In view of the 2024 flood situation, Bank Millennium donated the sum of 1 mln PLN to the Polish Red Cross and Caritas Polska, and employee-volunteers reacted promptly and carried out 27 initiatives for the benefit of those affected. In total, the Foundation's volunteers delivered 50 initiatives in 2024: 27 for the benefit of flood victims and 22 ecoprojects for the protection of the Planet. With the slogan Save the Planet, more than two hundred male and female volunteers dedicated more than 1 400 hours of work to the projects, reaching 35 locations across the country. The initiatives implemented brought many benefits to our Planet, but above all to the beneficiaries, for whom the support of the volunteer staff was invaluable.

Under the auspices of the Children's Ombudsman, two further editions of the proprietary Financial ABC educational programme were implemented in 2024, which involved 455 workshops and the training of 10 881 children in 134 kindergartens across Poland. The children were able to learn about the value of money, planning spending, types of payment, distinguishing between wants and needs or safe payments. The Bank Millennium Foundation, within the framework of the Financial ABC provides children, their parents, teachers and all those interested with guidance texts and educational videos on how to teach children about finance.

The Bank Millennium Foundation, acting under the slogan "We multiply social capital", has been supporting, for 35 years, projects that engage in activities for the benefit of local communities. In its activities, it focuses on three areas of activities: financial education, cultural education and promotion of volunteering.