Since 25.08 It will not be possible to log in to Millenet from the version of the browser you are now using. Update the browser on your device and use online banking in a comfortable and secure way.
Update the browserYou can set up Lokata Mobilna quickly and conveniently through the Bank Millennium mobile app.
you gain 4.20% per annum
you set up the deposit for 3 months, and after it has matured you can open a next one
you can deposit from 500 PLN to 25 000 PLN
In case of a personal account you can have only one Lokata Mobilna. In case of a joint account, each holder of the joint account can set up one Lokata Mobilna.
Interest rate on Lokata Mobilna is fixed and accrues on the entire balance.
The deposit is not renewable. Interest rate per annum.
Funds deposited on accounts in the Bank, the total value of which funds does not exceed the equivalent of 100,000 EUR, irrespective of the number of accounts held in the Bank, are protected by Banking Guarantee Fund, in keeping with the Act of 10 June 2016 on Banking Guarantee Fund, system of protection of deposits and compulsory restructuring (Journal of Laws2016.996). Eligible for protection are deposits and receivables of entities indicated in art. 20 of the a/m Act.
Legal note
Term deposit is non-renewable and available to current account holders only in Bank Millennium mobile app. Each Client may open just one Lokata Mobilna mobile deposit. Other rules governing maintenance of term deposit accounts and interest rates are stipulated in General Rules of Provision of Banking Services to Individuals in Bank Millennium S.A. and in Price List – Interest Rates, available at
You can set up a Lokata Mobilna deposit only in the mobile app. If you do not have the app, then you can download it free of charge from App Store or Google Play.
The maximum amount, which you can invest in Lokata Mobilna, is 25 000 PLN, and the minimum one – 500 PLN. Each Client can have one Lokata Mobilna deposit at any time. After it ends a new one can be set up.
Yes, the deposit can be terminated at any time. In case of premature termination interest will not be paid.
Lokata Mobilna deposit has a fixed interest rate. Fixed interest rate is defined when the deposit is being set up and remains unchanged until the end of the contractual tenor of the deposit.