About the card

The Millennium MasterCard Prepaid® card is a kind of electronic wallet. You can deposit on it any amount of money multiple times. After transferring money to the card, it can be used to pay for daily shopping, for online shopping as well as for ATM cash withdrawals. Prepaid card can be issued for any person aged over 13.

Millennium MasterCard Prepaid benefits:

  • convenient electronic wallet - rather than give cash to someone, e.g. to your child, you can do it on the card without fearing money loss or lack of control over spending,
  • a perfect idea for present - you can give a prepaid card to a near-and-dear person aged over 13,
  • possibility of making non-cash payments, online shopping and ATM cash withdrawals in Poland and abroad,
  • spending control - the possibility of defining daily spending limits, especially convenient in case of cards issued for children; you can check card balance anytime,
  • the highest available safety level for online card transactions thanks to the 3D-Secure service,
  • attractive rebates and special promotions within the scope of "Inspirations" benefits programme covering diversified choice of goods and services.

Inspirations programme

Paying with a Millennium cards in stores as well as various service outlets you can enjoy attractive rebates. Currently there are close to 1000 merchants who will give you the rebate!

Contactless payments

Make small payments with the Millennium MasterCard Prepaid contactless card without the need to confirm the transaction with your PIN or signature.
  • Easy contactless payments

    • the amount to be paid is displayed on the POS terminal reader, you just need to put your card close to the reader,
    • you will hear a beep and four green LEDs will light up to inform you that the payment has been accepted,
    • if the payment does not exceed PLN 50, you do not have to enter your PIN or sign the receipt,
    • even if you put the card to the reader several times, the payment will be made only once!

  • Where can I pay with the contactless card?

    Points accepting contactless payments are marked with contactless symbol .   

    Contactless card also works as an ordinary payments card in every point of sale or ATM. 

    Remember that contactless transactions can be made regardless of the transaction amount. If you pay up to PLN 50 the transaction can be made without entering your PIN code - above that amount PIN code will be required to authorize the transaction. More information about contactless payments is available at www.mastercard.pl website.

    Remember, that with a contactless payment up to PLN 50 you do not enter your PIN. Above PLN 50 you have to confirm the transaction with PIN.

  • Convenience and security of contactless payments

    • you do not have to look for an ATM or carry small change,
    • you do not have to give the card to the retailer, you always have it in your hand,
    • you do not use PIN with payments below PLN 50, so no one will steal or see your PIN,
    • if you lose the card, you block it immediately and it will not work,
    • you can use contactless card at all retailers who accept Maestro or MasterCard cards worldwide because the card also has a chip and a magnetic stripe.

  • Can contactless payments be deactivated?

    If you have a contactless card from Bank Millennium, then at any time and without additional costs you can deactivate or activate the contactless payments function. You can do this by logging on to: www.bankmillennium.pl in the “Card details” section, on the phone with a TeleMillennium (801 331 331) consultant or in a Millennium branch. Payments with a contactless card, which has the contactless payments function deactivated, will require confirmation with a PIN or signature.


Annual and monthly fees
Fee for card issuance PLN 15
Monthly fee for card PLN 0* / PLN 2
Cash withdrawal
In Poland in Millennium ATMs PLN 0
In Poland in BZ WBK and Planet Cash ATMs (currently Cash4You) PLN 1
In Poland in other ATMs PLN 5
ATMs Package "Withdrawals from all ATMs in Poland" PLN 4,99
In ATMs abroad 2,5% min PLN 9
POS Purchases
Commission for POS purchase transactions PLN 0

* If during the calendar month there has been made with the card and posted at least one cashless transaction.

How to get

Do you want to check the offer? Write to us.

Private Banking Line

801 115 115

How to restrict

Just call one of the special phone numbers below:

+48 22 598 41 14 - blocking all the cards of Bank Millennium (available 7/24)
801 115 115 - Private Banking Line fixed line calls and mobile
+48 22 598 40 41 - Private Banking Line mobile and international calls