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Trusted Profile for Ukrainian citizens available at Bank Millennium

Bank Millennium has made it possible to set up a Trusted Profile for Ukrainian citizens with a PESEL number, using selected identity documents. Customers set-up the Trusted Profile online, on the Millenet website.

The Trusted Profile is available at Bank Millennium for citizens of Ukraine with a PESEL number, using a Ukrainian foreign passport or a Ukrainian ID card issued after 1 January 2016.

The Trusted Profile is a free tool for confirming identity and an electronic signature that allows you to deal with official matters in electronic services of offices, i.a. ePUAP, PUE ZUS, CEIDG, etc. Thanks to it, customers have access to public administration services online 24 hours a day. To set it up, it is not necessary to visit the office, the identity of the customer is confirmed by the bank. Customers log in to the Profile using the same data as to Millenet, and they authorise instructions on the websites of e-offices by logging in to the bank and entering the SMS P@ssword.

The process of setting-up the profile is very simple. The customer logs in to the Millenet online banking service and selects the Trusted Profile from the MilleUrząd menu. Then he gives appropriate consents and checks the correctness of data contained in the form (name, surname, PESEL). The only information he has to enter into the system himself is the phone number and e-mail address. Finally, he approves setting-up the profile with an SMS password. After approval, the Trusted Profile is active and the client can log in to e-offices.

The Trusted Profile is valid for 3 years. Each person can have only one active Trusted Profile, which in practice means that it can be associated with the online banking service of only one bank.