The program is under the patronage of the Ministry of Finance

Financial education of kids - opportunity, need or waste of time? Dear Parents. If you have 15 minutes to spare and want your kid to be successful in life and make his/her dreams come true - you must read the intro to an advice series prepared specially for you.
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Can you imagine a world without money? This is not easy. Yet the world of small children is a world based on barter of bears, stickers or dolls. In order to teach children what the value of money is, we must live in their world for a while.
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Pocket money and saving. Good idea - many parents will say. Then who so much criticism about pocket money? We propose a solution, which will satisfy supporters and sceptics alike, and additionally will give the kids loads of fun.
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Kindergarten kid and charity? The kiddo that takes everybody’s toys in the sandpit? The girl who doesn’t want to share her two dolls even with her best friend? All doubters must read the article.
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Many parents dream of an enterprising child. But then how to explain to a three-year old what entrepreneurship is? What to do to teach a four-year old who cannot read or count, how to “make something out of nothing”?
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“1, 2, 3! Red Light! Green Light!” are the words of a popular game. One of those, which used to take-up the kids’ free time. Today in times of the Internet we can hear ever more often that kids should spend more time outdoor, actively playing with their peers. Do you know why?
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Once a bank was an ordinary wooden bench, later - an impressive building. Today encounters with a bank can be limited to using a phone or computer. It is thus a good idea to take your kids on a trip to a modern bank and see what it is all about.
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When they hear “shopping with a small kid” many parents see this scene: mum and dad looking helplessly at the kid lying on the floor and yelling that it wants something. Even if this never happened to us, there still remains a smaller or greater fear of going shopping with the kid.
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Mum, dad, how do you earn money? Why must you go to work? Instead of explaining to the kid the intricacies of the financial system, make and experiment and let the kid set-up its own business. How? Nothing could be simpler.
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Some say that today’s children were born holding a phone. New technologies are almost their natural environment. So do they have to be taught online banking? Yes!
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Responsibility is a subject, which is difficult for adults, not to mention children... Does it make sense to raise it when talking to kids? Even if kids to not understand the notions of “right” and “wrong”, they know very well what rules are. They also often put the parents’ patience to the test and check how far the rules can be bent or broken.
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Can finances be an adventure? In the park can you find money, which does not look like money? We invite all children aged from 3 to 100 to a game full of surprises, in which only the superbanker, businessman or entrepreneur can win.
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