Make sure that your personal details are up-to-date

You can do it in our app and Millenet

It is always worth having up-to-date details

Your personal details in the bank are important - make sure that they are up-to-date. By updating your details, you can take care of your safety and use our services fully.

In Millenet or mobile app you conveniently change:

  • ID card details
  • correspondence address
  • phone number
  • e-mail address

Change your details from home

  1. In mobile app
  2. In Millenet
  3. Via helpline
  1. Only few clicks on the phone

    Log in to your account, click Profile and select My personal details. In Personal details and documents tab you will update your ID card details, nad in Contact details - correspondence address and e-mail address.

    You can change your address instantly. It will take us up to 24 hours to approve the data of the new ID card – we will inform you about the result of the verification by SMS and a message in your inbox.

  2. Conveniently on your desktop

    Log in to your account and hover the mouse over your first and last name. From the drop down menu select General settings and next Personal information. In Personal information and identity documents you can update your ID card details and in Contact and address data - your contact phone number, e-mail address and correspondence address.

    You can change your correspondence address, e-mail address and phone number instantly. It will take us up to 24 hours to approve the data of the new ID card – we will inform you about the result of the verification by SMS and a message in your inbox.

  3. Call TeleMillennium

    The fastest and most convenient way to reach our consultant is to use Contact option in our app. This way you will change phone number to your SMS Passwords and e-mail address.