Are you looking for a way to secure repayment of mortgage loan, home equity loan or consolidation loan? In a joint effort with Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Europa S.A. we developed for you an attractive offer of insurance against loss of income.
What security level do we offer?
Thanks to the insurance offer, if you lose work and get unemployment status within the credit period, the Insurer will repay 12 consecutive instalments of your loan. Additionally, you will get a refund of your utility bills related to maintenance of your property securing the loan, i.e. rent, electricity, gas, central heating, water and sewage charges, repair and renovation reserve, refuse disposal (up to 500 PLN per month).
In case of earlier termination of the loan agreement the Insurer will pay out additional monthly benefit in the amount of 0,5% of the loan amount. The insurance fee is 1% of the loan amount for the period of 2 years and is payable up front – it may also be financed by credit. For the detailed principles of the insurance with complete list of exclusions of the insurer's liability see the Terms and Conditions of the Insurance in force as at the day of taking out the insurance. The insurance is taken out on the grounds of declaration signed upon signing the loan agreement.
Taking out the insurance – how easy it is!