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Update the browserInvestments are one of the most complex aspects of the financial market. They require versatile knowledge, experience, time and good decision-making skills. Investment funds make investing a whole lot simpler.
A team of Millennium TFI experts carefully selects financial instruments from all over the world, in which they decide to invest. Each decision is backed by experience, numerous calculations and financial models. Millennium TFI funds are consistently winning awards and helping thousands of Poles in making their savings grow.
Find out how convenient and innovative it can be to use investment funds in Bank Millennium.
Thanks to the A share class and low initial investment it is easy to start and then to see if the investment funds meet your expectations.
OIF Stable Growth Subfund was seen to be the best fund in its category and received the prestigious Alfa 2021 award from Analizy Online website.
Thanks to extensive investment opportunities investment funds are characterised by diversified yield and risk levels, offering the opportunity to grow funds more effectively than a deposit or savings account.
The selection of unit categories involves various handling fees. If you plan to invest for less than 2 years, you can choose category A, where the fee is charged on the funds deposited, and until 31.01.2026 in Millenet or the Mobile Application this flap is abolished. If category B is selected, the fee is charged when withdrawing funds, and after 2 years from the start of the investment, the fee is PLN 0.
By investing online until 31/01/2026, you can purchase category A participation units of Millennium TFI funds without a handling fee. In Millenet, you can buy and sell funds at any time and keep track of your results.
You have a wide range of investment funds. Depending on your needs, you can choose subfunds that will match your expectations.
Important information
The promotion runs from 01.02.2025 to 31.01.2026 included and consists in reducing the handling fee on orders for the purchase of category A participation units for standard registers of Millennium FIO and Millennium SFIO sub-funds. In the case of purchase orders placed via Millenet or the Mobile Application, the handling fee in the promotional offer is 0%. The promotional offer applies to individual Clients, Prestige and Private Banking. The reduced rates do not apply to orders for purchase on registers in Savings Plans i.e. CPI, PSO, PI Maluch. The mere confirmation of an order using mobile authorisation does not constitute placing an order via Millenet or the Mobile Application.
You can now buy investment funds conveniently online. We have created a friendly and simple process, thanks to which you will learn the basics of investing, will choose products and will buy them in the comfort of your home.
Log in to Millenet or mobile app
sign the necessary documents and activate online access
Compare and buy investment
funds online
Review and manage
your investments completely online – in the comfort of your home
Let’s meet
Go to a chosen Bank Millennium branch where you will get essential information and sign the agreement
Log in to Millenet or mobile app
Monitor and buy investment funds and monitor your investment online
In Millennium TFI subfunds you may choose between two types of participation units, which differ in how the handling fee is charged and what the minimum amount to be deposited is.
Legal note
Investing in funds involves the risk of loss as well as the obligation to pay handling fees and income tax. The fund does not guarantee attainment of the investment target or a specific investment result. The net value of assets of the funds is highly volatile due to the composition of the investment portfolio. Securities constituting more than 35% of assets of Millennium Funds (except Millennium SFIO) may be issued, guaranteed or underwritten by the State Treasury, NBP, US Government, European Central Bank or European Investment Bank.
The indicated rates of return of funds are based on historical data and do not constitute a guarantee of attaining similar results in the future. An individual net rate of return of a fund participant depends on the date of sale and repurchase of participation units as well as administrative fees and income tax paid.
Prior to making this investment one should carefully read information about the funds, including financial data and description of risk factors, which are contained in the prospectuses and Key Information for Investors (KII), available together with the funds’ schedule of fees in branches of Bank Millennium, in the offices of Millennium TFI SA and on the website link opens in a new window.
Money invested in the product is not protected by Banking Guarantee Fund link opens in a new window.
Source: Analizy Online S.A. and Transfer Agents cooperating with the Bank.
The questionnaire consists of several questions. Answers to these questions will allow you to find out what type of investor you are. And they will allow us to present you with products that meet your needs, expectations and investment experience, and are suitable for you.
A mutual fund is a way to invest collectively. The fund invests money pooled from many different participants. A mutual fund is a legal person, the sole business of which is to invest money in securities, money market instruments and other property rights specified in the Act on Mutual Funds. Money from the Clients is managed by investment advisers licensed by Polish Financial Supervision Authority and employed by the mutual fund company. The job of the advisers is to invest money paid into the fund so as to generate the highest yield possible for the participants, at the same time limiting the level of investment risk.
To choose a mutual fund, which meets your expectations, you must answer some questions, i.e. for how long you want to invest your money, what your approach is to investment value fluctuation from time to time and what rate of return on the investment you expect to get. It is also important what your current investment knowledge and experience is. Bank Millennium offers a broad selection of mutual funds, which differ from each other in risk profile and yield potential, investment policy as well as recommended investment period. You can compare the funds in a simple and intuitive way by using the table above.
You will get access to the investment products offering in Bank Millennium after filling-out the investment questionnaire (target group and adequacy assessment test) and signing the Framework Agreement on Provision of Financial Services. Thanks to the questionnaire replies we will understand your knowledge and to-date investment experience and will be able to decide whether the selected investment product is in line with your needs, features and targets. You can fill-out the questionnaire and sign the agreement at your convenience in Millenet, mobile app or in any Millennium branch.
You can change your current fund for another one at any time. After you have ordered the change, your money will be transferred to the Millennium TFI sub-fund you have selected, without the need to place a separate repurchase and purchase order.
Financial transactions involve risk presented in “Description of Risk Involved with Financial Instruments and Products for Private Persons in Bank Millennium S.A.", available in branches and on the Bank’s website
Investing in funds involves risk of a loss as well as the obligation to pay handling fees and income tax. The Fund does not guarantee attainment of the investment goal or a specific investment result. The net value of funds’ assets is highly volatile due to the composition of the investment portfolio. In cases, in which the Fund’s Articles of Association provide for the possibility of investing more than 35% of a Subfund’s assets in securities - the issuer, surety or guarantor of these securities may only be the State Treasury, NBP, US government, European Central Bank or the European Investment Bank.
Investment Fund – is an entity with legal personality operating under the Act of 27 May 2004 on investment funds and management of alternative investment funds. An investment fund’s sole operation consists in investing monies collected publicly or privately in securities, money market instruments, and other property rights stipulated in the Act.
In return for payments into the fund investors receive participation units. Their number shows proportional share held by the investor in the investment fund assets. In specified time intervals the fund determines the value of participation units i.e. calculates „net value of fund's assets" assigned to a single participation unit. For this purpose, the fund determines the value of its investment portfolio and divides it by the number of participation units allocated to all participants. The value of participation unitmay change on each valuation day.
Prior to making an investment the information about funds should be read, including financial data and description of risk factors, which are contained in Prospectuses and in Key Information for Investors (KIID), available together with the Funds’ fees table in Bank Millennium branches, in the offices of Millennium TFI as well as online at
Conclusion by the customer of transactions involving financial instruments is the basis for consideration that the customer has read the terms and conditions of the transaction as well as the related risk and has accepted them.
Monies invested in investment funds are not protected by the Banking Guarantee Fund, in keeping with the Act of 10 June 2016 on Banking Guarantee Fund, system of protection of deposits and compulsory restructuring.
All and any information contained in this commercial publicationis for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer, or a recommendation or an invitation addressed to anyone (or any group of persons whatsoever) to conclude a transaction involving the financial instruments presented herein. In particular the information contained in this publication does not constitute an offer in the meaning of the Civil Code of 23 April 1964 nor is it a service of investment, financial, tax, legal or any other advice. Any investment decision should be taken on the basis of information contained in Prospectuses and in Key Information for Investors (KIID), not on the basis of the abbreviated description contained herein.
Dissemination, distribution and trading of some financial products may be subject to restrictions with respect to certain persons and countries, in keeping with relevant legislation. It is for the customer to demonstrate legal capacity and authority to invest in the financial instrument. Offering and trading of financial instruments may be done only in compliance with relevant legal regulations.
Information contained in this publication shall be made available to the recipient on an exclusive basis. The recipient is not authorised to copy or send and make the information available in whole or in part in any other way to third parties (except its sending to professional advisors) without the Bank’s prior written consent.
MiFID (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive) is the European Directive concerning the market of financial instruments and products, which sets down a uniform legal framework for banks, brokerage houses as well as other brokerage operators in the European Union as well as in Iceland, Norway and Lichtenstein.
The MiFID Directive aims to enhance and harmonise Client protection in banks, increasing consistency and transparency of the operation of banks as well as increasing competitiveness on the financial instruments market.