Remote assistance

Do you have questions or need support? Get support from our consultants completely online

You will find the assistance icon in the lower left corner of the screen after logging in to Millenet for Corporate. After expanding it, options for contact forms will be displayed. Choose the one that suits you best:

  • Chat with a Help Desk consultant, where you quickly get direct support. During the chat, you can share your screen view with the consultant. This way our consultant has the option of pointing the cursor to a specific menu option or solution.
  • Quick on-screen help, where – after establishing a telephone connection with a Help Desk consultant – you will provide the consultant with a view of your screen. The consultant will be able to use the cursor to select the right option or box directly on your screen. This will certainly make everything easier.
  • Leave a message, fill in the contact form, give us all the details and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Sharing the screen is done in a very secure way and the consultant cannot perform any operations for you, just point you in the right direction. This solution does not require installing any additional applications on your computer.

You can get support from our consultants from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 18:00. At other times please leave a message.

Qlips invoices and bills

Gain new channel for informing Clients of payments due

With Qlips invoices and bills service your Clients receive information on a payment due directly to their electronic banking account. Clients and can pay invoices on a one-off basis or set up convenient automatic payments.

What you gain:

  • you don't need to install any software- instead you manage the service in your internet banking
  • information on payer and their liabilities can be easily imported to Millenet for Corporate as a text file
  • you can gain overview of all payments thanks to automatic reports
Find out more about Qlips invoices and bills


  • Current accounts

    • Check the list of current accounts,
    • Check the balance on accounts,
    • Check the history of transactions,
    • Print and download confirmations of transactions performed on accounts,
    • Download and print group of transaction confirmation on account.

  • Term deposits

    • Check the list and details of term deposits,
    • Check the details of term deposits,
    • Constitute Lokata Milllenet,
    • Redeem Lokata Millenet,
    • Define automatic renewal of Lokata Millenet,
    • Define interest capitalisation.

  • Loans (Revolving credits, Investment Loans, Working Capital Credits)

    • Check the list of loans granted,
    • Check the details of loans granted,
    • Check the payment plan (Investment Loans and Working Capital Credits),
    • Check the loans history.

  • Cards

    • Check list of cards,
    • Check the details about payment cards with history of transactions (charge cards),
    • Activation of payment cards.


  • Transfers

    • Prepare payments of funds to any account of domestic (including ZUS and Tax Authorities, SORBNET also for amounts lower than 1 million PLN, instant transfers), foreign beneficiaries,
    • Make instant Express elixir transfers to ZUS (Social Insurance Institution), tax and customs authorities,
    • Prepare online folders with payments as drafts, request authorization, authorize and authorize and send,
    • Import to Millenet system files with domestic payments in formats:XML (ISO20022), Elixir O, VideoTEL, MTMS CitiDirect, TransBank, postal transfers in formats: MTMS CitiDirect, Elixir O and foreign payments in formats: SWIFT MT103, VideoTEL and XML (ISO20022). At customer's discretion, files after import can be saved in a version that is either editable or read-only,
    • Order transfers with a current or future execution date,
    • Check the lists and payment order details, as well as manage previously prepared orders,
    • Authorizing and sending transactions enetered by other users,
    • Authorizing transactions in mobile app.

  • Upcoming payments

    • Control upcoming payments (payments with future execution date: standing orders, transfers with a future date, card payments, loan installment payments).

  • Standing orders

    • Check the list of standing orders,
    • Define new standing orders,
    • Edit and delete standing orders.

  • Order templates

    • Store and use of the most widely used transfer templates,
    • Add templates from the drafts or already sent orders,
    • Save as templates both single orders and folders of orders,
    • Define permissions to execute transfers from previously prepared templates.

The Payments section has become more convenient in its new release!

Statements and reports

  • Historical Balance Reports

    Thanks to option available in "Reports on demand" you can generate a report containing balances of chosen accounts divided by specific dates. Whenever you need it, you will receive information about the initial and final balance as well as totalled value of credits and debits.

    Historical Balance reports are:

    • generated based on records going up to 5 years back
    • sorted "by date" and/or "by account"
    • available in two formats .PDF and .CSV

    Reports are completely free of charge and available 24/7 in Millenet for Corporate for every current account you are entitled to. You can generate them easily using in Statements and reports -> Reports on demand -> Historical Balance Report.

  • Standard Audit File for Tax

    From now on, in addition to traditional bank statements, you have the possibility to order bank statements in the form of Standard Audit File for Tax (SAF-T). From 1 July 2016 SAF-T may be requested from large enterprises by tax audit authorities. In the future, the obligation will be extended to smaller companies.

    How to gain access to SAF-T reports through Millenet?

    1. Submit an application in writing to your Bank Millennium advisor (find the nearest branch)
    2. The service will be activated within two business days from submitting the application
    3. Order reports in section Statements and Reports > On-demand Reports > Standard Audit File
    4. You will receive a Millenet message containing a link to the report, available for download for 3 months

    A one-time fee is applicable for every report (generated for the period of max. 12 months) and for service activation, according to the price list.

    Why is ordering SAF-T bank statements through Millenet a good solution?

    • Report data is always up to date and may contain records going up to 6 years back
    • Cost of implementing and maintaining SAF-T report tools is reduced (and borne mostly by the Bank)


  • Users

    • Check users list,
    • Check the users details,
    • Add and remove users,
    • Grant access for user to transactions,
    • Define access to accounts for users,
    • Update personal data: name and surname, e-mail address and phone numbers, ID type, ID number (Profile - Personal information).

  • Group of accounts

    • Create and delete groups of accounts
    • Modification of the existing groups of accounts

  • Beneficiaries

    • Build a list of regular domestic and foreign beneficiaries,
    • Import and export of earlier prepared beneficiaries database in text format,
    • Edit and delete beneficiary.


  • Other services

    • Mobile banking - activating and setting mobile banking services for businesses
    • Single sign-on - setting allowing for simultaneous logging into the profiles of several companies
    • Authorization rules - review and modification of the authorization rules for financial and non-financial transactions

Trade finance online

  • About the product

    Manage trade finance transactions online

    Online trade finance is a new advanced module in the Millenet for Corporate internet banking system. It will allow your company to manage and monitor documentary letters of credit, bank guarantees and reguarantees online in each stage of their processing – starting from submitting an order to closing of the transaction. Thanks to effective electronic communication between the Customer and the Bank the transaction processing time will be shorter.

  • Functionalities

    What are the functionalities of online trade finance?

    Documentary letters of credit

    • Submitting orders to open/change,
    • Cancelling qualifications to the documents or rejecting non-compliant documents,
    • Receiving advice of third party letters of credit,
    • Submitting orders to transfer third party letters of credit,
    • Submitting other instructions connected with an opened letter of credit.

    Bank guarantees, reguarantees

    • Evaluating/negotiating guarantees presented by the Customer,
    • Placing orders to issue/change,
    • Receiving advice of third party guarantees,
    • Sending other instructions connected with the granted guarantee.

    Additional functionalities

    • Use in electronic forms of improvements, which facilitate and accelerate entering of transaction data (roll-down lists; pre-defining the database of banks or counterparties; templates of transactions or new orders based on orders entered earlier into the system),
    • Automatic verification/validation of the orders placed,
    • Possibility of attaching documents to the orders,
    • E-mailed or texted notifications,
    • Convenient ways of granting user rights to individual module functionalities,
    • Possibility of creating separate authorisation patterns,
    • High level of security thanks to using electronic signatures and authorisation methods available in the Millenet system,
    • Advanced tool for transaction reporting with the possibility to generate ad hoc and pre-defined reports (Reports Centre).

    Millenet - Documentary letters of credit and Bank guarantees - user manual

  • Benefits

    • Faster processing of the Customer’s orders.
    • Full control over the transaction thanks to access to order execution statuses and a history of transactions, including bank correspondence and SWIFT messages.
    • 24/7 service availability anywhere in the world.
    • Possibility to generate a broad range of transaction reports.
    • The module is available in Millenet – no need to define dedicated logins and passwords.

Millennium Forex Trader

  • About the product

    Buy and sell currencies online on the FX market.

    Millennium Forex Trader is a professional online transactional platform where users can personally trade on the FX market, at the time and in the place of their convenience, from any computer. The transactions are executed at current exchange rates taken straight from the market. Thanks to the convenient and simple way of settling transactions their effects are seen on the Customer’s bank account promptly after executing the transactions.

  • Functionalities

    The Millennium Forex Trader transactional platform allows:

    • monitoring of current FX rates simultaneously for 16 currency pairs
    • executing FX transactions i.a. on following currency pairs: EUR/PLN, USD/PLN, CHF/PLN, GBP/PLN, EUR/USD, NOK/PLN, SEK/PLN, DKK/PLN, JPY/PLN
    • opening multiple transaction tickets at the same time
    • displaying historical transactions according to defined search criteria
    • data export to a spreadsheet

  • Benefits

    • minimising the time needed to execute a transaction as well as costs involved
    • getting the best market transaction prices even for low notional
    • high level of security of communication and trading
    • possibility of executing term transactions up to one year
    • access to transaction history with the option of personally defining search criteria