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Useful contacts

  • Call us if you have any doubts about our online banking

    Millennium Prestige Customers

    801 24 HELP (801 244 357) - fixed line calls and mobile
    available 24 hours, 7 days a week

    (+48) 22 598 40 50 - mobile and international calls
    available 24 hours, 7 days a week

    (fees in accordance with the operator's price list)

  • Are you a victim of fraud or want to report suspicious situation? Call security helpline:

    (+48) 22 598 44 44 (for landline and mobile phones, fees according to the operator's price list).

  • Bank Millennium SA
    ul. Stanisława Żaryna 2A
    02-593 Warszawa


  • If you have reservations about our services, you can file a complaint.

    How Where
    in writing
    • at any of our branches
    • by letter to our head office
      Bank Millennium S.A.
      Customer Relations Department
      ul. Stanisława Żaryna 2A
      02-593 Warsaw
      or to any branch office with the word "Complaints" written on it
    • to the address for electronic delivery
    • at any of our branchess
    • by telephone (via helpline) - 801 331 331, (+48) 22 598 40 40 (call cost according to your operator's price list)
    • in Millenet or mobile application - log in and send a message via form in Contact section

    1. First name and last name
    2. PESEL personal identification number (if you do not have one, provide your date of birth) or ID number
    3. What product, service or promotion is your complaint about (e.g. contract number)
    4. Your objections
    5. Your expectations (if you want to specify them)

    You can do this yourself. If you wish, you can authorise another person or institution to do so on your behalf.

    You give your power of attorney in writing. Your signature must be certified by:

    1. Employee at one of our branches, or
    2. Notary public, or
    3. A Polish diplomatic or consular post.

    You will receive a response within:

    • 15 working days from the day we received your complaint - if the complaint concerns payment services,
    • 30 days from the day we received your complaint – in other cases.

    If your case is particularly complicated, we may extend the deadline for the response. In such a case, we will inform you about it and provide you with:

    • the reason for the delay,
    • the circumstances we need to establish in order to proceed your complaint,
    • the expected reply date.

    The maximum deadline for our response is:

    • 35 working days from the day we received your complaint – if the complaint concerns payment services,
    • 60 days from the day we received your notification – in other cases.

    You will receive a response from us:

    1. for complaints that relate to payment services - in writing or by email, SMS or any other durable medium we use - if you request it,
    2. for other complaints – in writing or by e-mail – if you request it. In the event that your complaint is approved, we may also send you a reply by SMS if you request it.

    • If you do not agree with the response to your complaint, you can appeal – file another complaint.
    • You can also address your objections to the entities that are authorised to resolve consumer disputes out of court. We have indicated them in the table below. You will find the rules of procedure in the regulations of these institutions on their websites.
      Bank's Consumer Arbitration at the Polish Bank Association
    • You can turn to the municipal and district consumer ombudsmen for legal assistance. Their contact details can be found on the websites of cities and counties.
    • On the basis of binding regulations, indicating Bank Millennium S.A. as the defendant, you may bring action against us in a common court in accordance with:
      - the general jurisdiction of Bank Millennium S.A.'s registered office: District Court for Warsaw-Mokotów in Warsaw at ul. Ogrodowa 51a, 00-873 Warsaw or
      - for cases stipulated in the Code of Civil Procedure, including property cases with a value of dispute exceeding PLN 100,000: the District Court in Warsaw at Al. "Solidarności" 127, 00-898 Warsaw

      or in accordance with the provisions on alternate jurisdiction of the Code of Civil Procedure to the court:
      - of the place of performance of the contract - if this is an action for conclusion of the contract, determination of its contents, modification of the contract and determination of the existence of the contract, its performance, termination or invalidity, as well as for damages for non-performance or undue performance;
      - the place of domicile of the claimant, if this is an action on a claim resulting from a banking act against the bank, another organisational unit entitled to pursue banking activities or their legal successors, or if the claimant is a consumer;
      - the district in which the harmful event occurred, if the action concerns a claim arising out of a tort or delict;
      - the district in which the centre or branch is situated, if the claim relates to the activities of that centre or branch and the action concerns a pecuniary claim.

    Additionally, on the basis of generally binding regulations, indicating Bank Millennium S.A. as a defendant, you may bring an action to the common court in the district of your residence - within 5 years from 15.04.2023, in the case of an action for a claim related to the conclusion of a credit agreement that is valorised, denominated or indexed to a currency other than the Polish currency, including an action for determination of the existence or non-existence of a legal relationship arising therefrom, for determining the ineffectiveness of the provisions of the agreement or for the return of benefits related to its conclusion.

    This notice is not legal advice, and all cases of local and material jurisdiction of common courts are specified in detail by generally applicable law.

    If you are a consumer, you may make use of the possibility of an out-of-court settlement of a dispute concerning a contract concluded via the Internet or other electronic means. You can do this through the ODR platformlink otwiera się w nowym oknie, which operates in the countries of the European Union.

Lost or stolen card

Find out more how to block the card

Branches and ATMs

Our branches

Close to 600 branches throughout Poland. If you prefer traditional service or want to visit us once in a while, come to any Millennium branch in Poland.

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Multifunctional Millennium ATMs

In our Bank's multifunctional Automatic Teller Machines, apart from cash withdrawals you can also make transfers to accounts of your beneficiaries, check the account balance, print a list of 10 last transactions and top up your mobile phone.

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