With us you can gain up to 6.25% per annum

Discover benefits and meet the Profit Savings Account requirements. Promotion until 18.04.2025.

Savings products Assured yield No risk

Profit Savings Account

Gain up to 6.25% p.a. for 90 days for new funds up to 100 000 PLN.

Meet the requirements. Promotion from 10.03.2025 till 18.04.2025

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Term deposits

Yield p.a. up to 4.50%

Will give you a fixed interest rate and guaranteed yield after a specific period.

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Konto Oszczędnościowe Walutowe

Kept in EUR and USD

Safe way of saving and multiplying your money in the foreign currency.

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Structured and bundled products Potentially higher yield Diversified level of risk

Structured deposits

From 5.4% to 29.99% on the investment scale (up to 14.99% p.a.) with the new deposit

If you keep the structured deposit Gigant Technologii II until the end of the investment period

template.externalLink.desc Open now a structured deposit More about: Structured Deposits Legal note