In order to buy or sell securities admitted to organised trading it is essential to have an investment account (a securities and a money account). After signing an agreement on orders of purchase and sell off of the financial instruments and maintenance of account as well as appropriate statements, a Prestige Customer can make transactions on the investment account via Brokerage Office of Bank Millennium.

Prestige Customers who want to invest on the capital market directly must have an investment account.

Markets in Financial Instruments Directive

What is MiFID?

Look here to find basic information about MiFID.

Client classification

Read about Client classification rules and the Bank's obligations.

Appropriateness assessment

We will check, which financial instruments and products and investment services are appropriate for you.

Risk description

Read about the nature of financial instruments and products and related risks.

Conflict of interests

We operate in a reliable way and in the Clients' best interest.


Look here for all documents about MiFID in Bank Millennium.