How to activate

Credit and debit card


Log on to Millenet, select "Cards" from the vertical menu and then "Activation ".


If the card agreement or an agreement on another Bank Millennium product gives you access to Electronic Banking Channels:

Call Prestige Line 801 12 7000 and select:

  • 3 - For English press 3 (you will be asked to state your Millekod and P@ssword1)
  • 5 - Your Cards
  • Choose card
  • 5 - Card activation

If you do not have access to Electronic Banking Channels yet:

Call Prestige Line 801 12 7000 and select:

  • 3 - For English press 3
  • 1 - Cards cancelling and activation

Activate the card during the call


Make any, available for your card operation in ATM using the PIN number.


Make a POS transaction using the PIN number.


Credit card

A credit card is an advanced and very handy instrument for making daily payments and managing the household budget. It has two main functions:

  • payment function - with a credit card you can pay without cash for goods and services,
  • credit function - with a credit card you can withdraw cash and pay without cash for goods and services and finance these payments, repaying them at dates of your choice.

How to use only the payment function of a credit card, not drawing card credit?

Pay with the card for goods and services or withdraw cash from ATMs  and repay all of the debt by the date stated on the billing statement - all of Your cash and non-cash transactions will be included in grace period.

Grace period is an interest-free period - a period, during which you use the Bank's money and the Bank charges no interest for this if all non-cash transactions or cash withdrawa are repaid in time. In case of Bank Millennium this period is up to 51 days. (Private Banking: Grace period applies to non-cash transactions up to 56 days only.)

How to pay with the card and finance the spending?

Pay with the card for shopping and services and by the deadline stated on the billing statement repay any part of the debt, however not less than 5%. The minimum monthly payment amount is always stated on the billing statement and includes 5% of your transactions, interest as well as all fees that may be due.

Offer details, including the rules for using a credit card as well as information about payments, are stipulated in the Regulations for Credit Cards Issued by Bank Millennium SA, as well as the Price List – Credit Cards, available at and in the Bank's branches.

Debit card

The debit card is a key to the account where you keep your money.

It has two main functions:

  • non-cash payments in shops and other retail and service outlets
  • cash withdrawals from ATMs


Transaction types

There are two basic transaction types that You can make with Your payment card:

  • Non-cash transactions - transactions that are made eletronically at point-of-sale payment terminals or via Internet without the use of cash.
  • Cash transactions  - transactions of cash withdrawal. Most commonly those are cash withdrawals at ATMs or card acceptance points ex. post office.

Non-cash transactions can be made in one of the following ways:

  • as standard card-present transaction, which is made by physically inserting the card to payment terminal and authorizing it with PIN code,
  • as contactless transaction, wich is made with the use of radio-frequency identification contactless technology - Visa payWave or MasterCard PayPass. To complete such transaction You only need to hold the card in front of the payment terminal contactless reader after it shows the amount of transaction. Contactless transactions can be made without the need to input PIN code up to the amount of PLN 100. If transaction amount exceeds PLN 100 PIN code will be required,
  • via Internet, by submitting the details of Your card: card number, card expiry date and CVV2/CVC2 code (it's a 3 digit number at the reverse of card, used strictly to authorize Internet transactions). To ensure the safety of Internet transactions, they are additionaly verified with the use of 3D-Secure service, which adds the requirement to input an authorization code that is send to Your phone number.

Conversion of foreign currency transactions

If You make a transaction in foreign currency, it will be converted to the currency of card account (which is PLN, with exception of Millennium Maestro Voyager card that is issued to foreign currency account in EUR).

For all Visa and Mastercard cards

Transaction currency Method of currency conversion
all currencies The amount in a given foreign currency is converted directly into PLN at the rate of the Visa or Mastercard payment organization. Current rates can be checked at:
Visa exchange rate calculator
Mastercard exchange rate calculator


Here you can compare the total amount of currency conversion charges concerning transactions carried out with payment cards in the currencies of the EEA member states in relation to the most current reference euro exchange rate announced by the European Central Bank.


DCC service ("Dynamic Currency Conversion")


While doing a transaction with Your card, You may have an option to choose the currency of transaction other than currency used in given country. This is the so called Dynamic Currency Conversion service and if You agree to choose a different transaction currency than the default currency, the merchant or ATM network itself will convert the amount in default currency to curency chosen by You.

Example: while making a purchase in Great Britain you will see the default amount of transaction in GBP and before executing such transaction You may receive an option to make this transaction in other currency, ex. in EUR. If You choose to do so, merchant will convert the transaction amount from GBP to EUR and for the need of transaction settlement it will be treated as a transaction made in EUR.

When You use DCC service at a merchant point or ATM, before the execution of such transaction You should be presented with the amount of transaction converted to the chosen currency, used conversion rate and any possible fees for the use of service. Currency conversion rate and possible fees applied to transaction as part of DCC service, are used by merchant or ATM network and are not rates or fees used by Bank.  

Interchange fee applicable for purchase in retail outlets of the payment by Visa and MasterCard (fee is not charged from the customer).

Interchange fees of Visa

Interchange fees of MasterCard

Transactions outside the European Union

To increase the safety of your finances card transactions made outside the European Union* are subject to special protection. Should a suspicious transaction made with your card occur, we may want to contact you by means of a text message to eliminate the risk of an unauthorised transaction.

Managing payments outside the European Union

You can decide yourself if you want to be able to use your card in non-EU countries (for ATM cash withdrawals and payments in conventional shops). You can:

  1. Completely block** their availability – then the transactions will be rejected.
  2. Activate temporary availability of transactions – then they will be accepted for a specific period as in the EU.

Payments outside the EU can be managed by holders of all MasterCard and Visa cards of Bank Millennium. This can be done:

  1. After logging on in Millenet: on the screen with card details: Cards > List of Card >Detailes > Security.
  2. When speaking to a TeleMillennium consultant.
  3. In a Bank Millennium branch.

* As European Union countries are considered to be EU member states: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Spain, Netherlands, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Italy and additionally non-member countries being parts of agreements with EU: Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City.

** Only card-present transactions such e.g.: non-cash payments at POS terminals and cash withdrawals at ATMs will be blocked. Transactions made without physical presentation of the card such as: internet transactions, mail and telephone orders will not be blocked even if the merchant is located outside of listed countries.

PIN Number

Credit and debit card

How to set up or change the PIN Number

If you know your PIN number, you can change it in a Millennium ATM.

If you do not know your PIN number but have Millekod and P@ssword 1, you can set up the PIN number:

  • by calling Prestige Line (801 12 7000 or +48 22 598 41 33) and selecting: 3 - For English press 3 > 2 - Customer service zone > enter Millekod > enter P@ssword 1 > 4 - Your cards > Choose card > 4 - change or define PIN number
  • logging on to using Millekod, P@ssword 1 and digits/characters randomly selected by the system from your ID (personal identity card or passport) or PESEL number > selecting the bookmark "Cards" > open the bookmark "Change PIN" > check the card > enter new PIN > confirm the operation with SMS P@ssword sent to your mobile phone
If you do not know your PIN number and have no Millekod and P@ssword 1, visit the nearest Millennium branch to activate access to Electronic Banking Channels.

NOTE: If you have no Millekod and P@ssword 1 and your only product is a supplementary credit card, contact the holder of the main credit card to change or set up the PIN number.

You will receive a PIN number after signing of the credit or debit card agreement. Remember that it is for your eyes only, do not disclose it to anyone.

Most transactions with a Bank Millennium credit or debit card with a magnetic stripe are confirmed with a signature, while transactions done with a chip card are usually confirmed with the PIN number.


With a view to continuing improvement of security of our Customers' payment cards, the Polish Bank Association with participation of Bank Millennium has launched a system for reporting lost or stolen cards. The system permits cancelling a lost card faster, even if we do not know the bank's phone number. The key factor here is an automated phone line, which uses speech recognition technology. The voice portal forwards the customer to the proper bank, which will then cancel the card.

At present all Bank Millennium cards as well as cards of other selected banks can be cancelled by calling a single dedicated phone number: 828 828 828. The line is available 24/7, both in Poland as well as abroad.

Also the Bank Millennium phone line - Prestige Line at 801 12 7000 remains available without change as well as the line for reporting and cancelling lost or stolen all Bank Millennium credit cards +48 22 598 41 14 (24/7 service).

More information about the new service is available at Detailed information can also be obtained from Millennium branches or by calling TeleMillennium.