Hardware Token with scanner

New dimension of authentication

Authorize transactions and log in with a token, without the need to rewrite data - quickly and safely

Hardware Token with scanner Find out more
Open cash withdrawal

Order cash withdrawal in Millenet and collect money in any branch

Choose among several available currencies and define preferred denominations

Open cash withdrawal Find out more
Online account opening

Your company can be more online

You can open more online accounts in Millenet instantly without the need for contacting the Relationship Manager

Online account opening Find out more
Instant transfers to ZUS, tax and customs offices

Your transfer always on time

Make Express Elixir instant transfers to ZUS, tax offices and customs offices

Instant transfers to ZUS, tax and customs offices Find out more
Millenet Link

Manage information flow better

Integrate your financial and accounting system with Millenet to better manage your data flow

Millenet Link More

Discover Millenet

Millenet for Corporate

Millenet for Corporate is a state-of-the art, multifunctional e-banking system tailored to the needs of your business. Designed to be as intuitive and user-friendly as possible, the system gives you the opportunity to manage your company's finances in an easy and efficient way, wherever you are.

  • Highest security level of transactions
  • Possibility to customize system settings and user entitlements
  • Integration with financial and accounting system
  • Applying for products online


Millenet for Corporate is a perfect solution to control / run your company's finances/ exercise financial control / irrespective of your business and profile, irrespective of company's profile. Apart from basic functions such as money transfers, account information or term deposits, our e-banking system offers a wide range of other products and services for your comfort / convenience.

  • Millenet Link

    Millenet Link

    Send data quickly, conveniently and safely - between your company financial and accounting system and the online banking system Millenet for Corporate

    Find out more
  • Historical Balance Reports

    Historical Balance Reports

    In Millenet you can generate free reports containing balances of selected accounts divided by specific dates, based on records going back up to 5 years and in two file formats .PDF and .CSV.

    Find out more
  • Qlips invoices and bills

    Qlips invoices and bills

    Acquire new channel for informing Clients of their payments due and make your invoices be paid faster. Check the payment status directly in internet banking.

    Find out more
  • Open cash withdrawal

    Open cash withdrawal

    You don't need to store cash. Order open cash withdrawal via Millenet: collect money in any Bank branch, in PLN or in foreign currency, and with specific denominations.

    Find out more
  • Sending credit documents online

    Sending credit documents online

    Save time and money! Instead of visiting the branch submit the required credit documents directly through your Millenet account - completely online and more securely than by email.

    Find out more
  • Trade finance online

    Trade finance online

    Processing transactions made quicker - manage letters of credit, bank guarantees and reguarantees online at every stage - from submitting order to the closing of transaction.

    Find out more
  • Forex Traderplatform

    Forex Traderplatform

    Buy and sell foreign currencies online on the wholesale FX market, at the time and in the place of your convenience, always at current exchange rates taken straight from the market.

    Find out more
  • Standard Audit File

    Standard Audit File

    Order bank statements in the form of Standard Audit File-Tax directly through your e-banking system. Report data is always accurate and up to date, with records available up to 6 years back.

    Find out more
  • Applying for products online

    Applying for products online

    Open online accounts (current, salary and foreign currency) and order debit, charge and prepaid cards conveniently in Millenet for Corporate.

    Find out more
  • Remote support

    Remote support

    Chat with our consultant and share your screen to get assistance immediately. You don't need to install anything to use this service.

    Find out more
  • Data import and export

    Data import and export

    You don’t have to enter data manually - import them directly from your financial and accounting system. Additionally, generate reports and statements in a quick and easy way.

    Find out more
  • Instant transfers to ZUS and tax offices

    Instant transfers to ZUS and tax offices

    Make instant transfers to ZUS (Social Insurance Institution), tax offices and customs offices. Don't wait for your payment to be booked. Pay social contributions or taxes in real time.

    Find out more

Access and logging in

To get access to Millenet for Corporate visit any Bank Millennium branch or contact your Bank Advisor to sign an Agreement on using Electronic Banking Channels.


Upon signing the agreement, adjust Millenet settings to your needs, e.g., set user rights. You can also define transaction authorisation levels (up to 3 signatures), as well as choose authorisation tools (token or SMS P@sswords).

You will find the first one-time login password in:

  • hardware token (if you previously selected it as default authorization tool)
  • envelope handed by the Advisor (if you didn’t provide your mobile number)
  • SMS (if you provided your mobile number)
  • you can define it over the phone

After the Bank has confirmed the data you will be contacted by a telephone consultant who will tell you that your Millenet is active and will give you a unique MilleKod number. As of now you will have full access to the Millenet system and all its functionalities.

With MilleKod, login (any sequence of 4 to 20 characters) and the one-time password (from SMS, hardware token or the envelope) each user can log in for the first time to the Millenet for Corporate system.


Upon signing the agreement, adjust Millenet settings to your needs, e.g., set user rights. You can also define transaction authorisation levels (up to 3 signatures), as well as choose authorisation tools (token or SMS P@sswords).


You will find the first one-time login password in:

  • hardware token (if you previously selected it as default authorization tool)
  • envelope handed by the Advisor (if you didn’t provide your mobile number)
  • SMS (if you provided your mobile number)
  • you can define it over the phone

After the Bank has confirmed the data you will be contacted by a telephone consultant who will tell you that your Millenet is active and will give you a unique MilleKod number. As of now you will have full access to the Millenet system and all its functionalities.


With MilleKod, login (any sequence of 4 to 20 characters) and the one-time password (from SMS, hardware token or the envelope) each user can log in for the first time to the Millenet for Corporate system.

Irrespective of the initial configuration the system can always be further modified and adjusted to your needs.

See how to log in


Both the login process and online transactions are protected with a range of state-of-the-art, well-tried and reliable security measures. Learn how Millenet for Companies makes your sensitive data and your company's finances safe:

  • communication protected by TLS protocol, which ensures most powerful 128-bit data encryption,
  • highest level of protection of the user sign-on process by means of MilleKod, Login, masked password and single-use SMS password,
  • detailed identification of each user in the system as well as flexibility in granting rights to functionalities and accounts,
  • registration module for all transactions of the Company made with use of the Millenet system,
  • broad selection of authorisation tools to ensure convenience and speed of work coupled with the highest degree of security,
  • additional security features, such as: event alerts, transaction monitoring or sign-on restrictions, which allow the level of security features to be tailored to the nature of work of each user,
  • technical assistance providing support in case of potential security threat.


  • Who is the Millenet Internet banking system for?

    The Millenet Internet banking system provides access to bank accounts for companies and institutions, which have an account with Bank Millennium.

  • How can further new users be added in the Millenet system?

    The Millenet system does not restrict the number of certificates with access to the Customer's account. When signing the agreement with the Bank you will personally define the number of Users who have access to the system.

    Further Users may be added directly in the Millenet system by already active users, who are authorised to do this (rights can be checked inAdministration - User details - Available transactions.)Data of a new user should be entered in Administration - New User, in the following sequence

    • Enter personal data with new ID and password;
    • Grant rights to individual transactions (Available transactions);
    • Grant access to accounts (Available Accounts).

    Changes require authorisation in keeping with Authorisation Rules set up for such transactions (User Management).

  • How to grant rights to individual users?

    Rights to individual users can be granted in Administration - User details. There you can update User's Data (i.a. Profile), select from the list of Available transactions (which the user will be able to perform in the system) as well as Available Accounts (the user will have access only to them in the system).

    To complete the user data updating procedure you must submit the downloaded and printed form to the Bank.

  • How can user access to Millenet be cancelled?

    To cancel a user's access to the Millenet system click on the user's data in Administration - Users List and then having moved to the details page select the button Delete.

    The change requires confirmation in keeping with Authorisation Rules applicable to this type of transaction (User Management).

  • How to change the user's Password?

    To change your Password in the horizontal menu go to the tab Profile, then Password settings and make the change there.

    In the option Profiles - Security Settings you can set the frequency of Password change reminders (in days). The system will show the reminder at logon.

    The default setting of this time is 7 days - it can be changed to a maximum of 60 days.

  • I have locked the password to Millenet for Corporate and do not remember it. What should I do?

    In this situation it is necessary to unlock access using a new single-use access password. If you have a mobile number defined in Millenet, then you can receive the new single-use password in a text message. For this to happen, another user of the same Millekod must use the following Millenet option Settings/Users list/User Details/Unlock Password/Unlock the ability to generate a new password.

    This can also be done by the Bank Millennium HelpDesk ( 801 632 632 or 022 598 40 31).

    The above-described form of unlocking is available for users who have opted to receive one-time passwords via SMS to a defined number. If you are not enabled to receive one-time passwords via SMS, or when the system has no other active user, you may download the new one-time password (in a secure envelope) in a Bank Branch or from a Relationship Manager.

  • I have locked the password to Millenet for Corporate but still remember it. What should I do?

    In this situation you can again have three consecutive attempts to log on with your old password. This possibility must be unlocked by another user of the same Millekod in the option Settings/Users list/User details/Unlock password/Unlock current password or by a HelpDesk consultant ( 801 632 632 or 022 598 40 31).

    If after the three consecutive attempts the password will be locked again, the only way to regain access to Millenet will be by receiving a new Password1 – in an envelope or in a text message.

  • What to do if staffing changes took place and the system user does not work for the company anymore?

    In such a situation you must remove the user from Millenet for Corporate. This must be done to be completely confident that the user, who is not employed by the company anymore, cannot log on to the system.

    To remove a user select the option Settings/Users/User details/Remove. The alternative method is to submit a paper user rights form – with the "remove user/s" option selected.

  • For what types of transactions can I create proprietary authorisation rules?

    Authorisation Rules may apply provided that at least two users have access to the Millenet system.

    You can define Authorisation Rules for following types of transactions performed in Millenet:

    • Ordering transfers outside the company's assets,
    • Ordering transfers within the company's assets,
    • Ordering 3-in-1 transfers to ZUS,
    • Setting up and closing term deposits,
    • Adding and editing beneficiary data,
    • Adding and editing data of new users of the Millenet system,
    • Adding and deleting Internet Certificates for individual users,
    • Change of Authorisation Rules.

    Do not set up authorisation rules for three users if there are only one or two users in the system.

  • Can I change the idle time in Millenet?

    A longer period of inactivity in Millenet can result in automatic system logoff after the defined inactivity time has elapsed.

    After logging on to Millenet you can change the idle time in the horizontal menu in Profiles - Security Settings. After clicking on the Edit button, a choice of three options will appear: "Maximum", "Average" and "Minimum" or personalised settings in minutes.


    The maximum idle time is 15 minutes

  • What Bank Millennium and account data should be stated in a foreign transfer?

    When making a foreign transfer from an account in Bank Millennium state the following:

    Address of the bank:

    Bank Millennium S.A.
    ul. Stanisława Żaryna 2A
    02-593 Warszawa


    ACCOUNT NUMBER: XX1160220200000000XXXXXXXX

    In case of the account number give the entire number, a total of 26 digits (the full account number is in the Millenet system in detailed information about the account).

    At the same time the person who will be transferring the money to a specific account owner is required by FX Law to state in the transfer the following details: the Beneficiary's name, surname and address as well as title of the transaction.

  • Can I add a proprietary list of Beneficiaries to the list of Beneficiaries in Millenet?

    Yes, you can add your own list of beneficiaries (counterparties) in .txt format to the Millenet List of Beneficiaries.

    To do this select Beneficiaries - List, then click on the button Import File. Having selected the proper file with the list of beneficiaries click on Add File

    You can also save the Millenet List of Beneficiaries on your computer disk - use the option Export File

  • Where is the daily transaction number, which is needed to request confirmation of a performed transaction?

    The daily transaction number can be checked in Assets - Current Accounts - List, selecting the account, on which the transaction was performed. After moving to the page with details about this account select the proper description of the transaction. The Daily Transaction Number is on the page with details about this transaction. The Daily

    Transaction Number and the posting date are necessary to request a confirmation of the transaction.

  • What are SMS P@sswords and when are they used?

    SMS P@sswords are one-off (6-digit) codes sent with a text message to a pre-defined mobile phone number of the User.

    SMS P@sswords are used for confirming transactions in the Millenet for Corporate Internet banking system.

  • How can a User quickly order a payment and when will he be certain that the payment has been made?

    To quickly order a payment, after filling in the proper form select Authorise and Submit. If the User has sufficient rights, the payment will be submitted immediately to the Bank for execution and will appear in Order Management - Submitted Orders. Otherwise it will await further authorisations and sending in the option Order Management - Authorising and Submitting Orders.

    Check the status of orders submitted for execution in Order Management - Submitted Orders. Only the status Done is confirmation that the transfer has actually been sent to the counterparty's account.

  • Jakie formaty plików z płatnościami można importować do systemu Millenet?

    You can import the following to Millenet:

    • Files with domestic payments: Elixir O, VideoTEL, MTMS CitiDirect, TransBank, XML(ISO20022);
    • Postal money orders: MTMS CitiDirect, Elixir O, XML(ISO20022);
    • Foreign payments: SWIFT MT103, VideoTEL and MTMS CitiDirect, XML(ISO20022).

  • Where can I correct mistakes in orders imported with the status: Lock possibility to edit orders after import?

    You can correct orders, which the system identified as erroneous, in Order Management - Orders Working Drafts, where the details of each present error messages with the appropriate fields.

  • What should I do to have the newly opened account visible in Millenet: Assets – Current Accounts - List?

    For an account newly opened in Bank Millennium to be visible in Millenet you need to grant rights to it in Administration - User Details.

    From the scroll-down menu select the proper user, then open the tab Available Accounts and after using the button Edit check the new account.

    The change requires confirmation in keeping with pre-defined Authorisation Rules.


    The changes can be made by already active users who have rights to perform such transactions

  • What orders are visible in: Order Management – Send Orders?

    The List presents orders send to the Bank together with the status of their completion. Status of orders in folders can be seen in the folder details.

    Possible statuses are:

    • Pending for being processed - order awaits in queue for execution
    • Being processed - order is under processing and awaits closing settlement session
    • Future execution date - order has been accepted and awaits execution
    • Waiting for liquidity - order has been accepted and awaits for necessary amount
    • Executed - order has been completed successfully
    • Rejected - order was not completed with success
    • Aborted - order with future execution date was cancelled on Customer demand.


    Only the state Executed confirms that the payment was completed and sent to the beneficiary's account.

  • What types of orders can be authorised in: Authorizations – Pending Authorizations?

    In: Authorizations - Pending Authorizations only non-financial transactions are authorised (e.g. change of authorisation rules, change of User rights) as well as transactions connected with standing orders and term deposits.

  • I have authorised the order in Orders Management, yet it has the "Pending Authorizations" status. Why?

    In this case the order may require more authorisations in accordance with the defined Authorization Rules, or the order amount is greater than the limit defined in Authorization Rules.


    Payment orders may be authorised in Orders Management - Orders Working Drafts or Authorizations and Send Orders.

  • What does the option: Orders Management – Orders Working Drafts?

    Orders Working Drafts, is the place for keeping all orders and folders prepared for submitting to the Bank, created individually in Millenet or resulting from importing of orders from files.

    Additionally this option will contain all orders or folders, in which the action: Copy as Draft was used.


    The action: Copy as draft may be used for submitting more than once an order or folder with orders with the same counterparty data.

  • What types of orders are contained in: Orders Management – Authorize and Send Orders?

    In the option: Orders Management - Authorize and Send Orders following orders are shown:

    • Authorization requested,
    • Authorization refused,
    • Authorized.

  • How to filter-out orders with specific status in: Orders Management?

    To see in the option Order Management on the screen only orders with specific status (e.g. Authorisation required, Done), click on the link: Show Filters from the rolled-down list select the desired Order Status and confirm with the button Filter.

  • Jaki rodzaj formularza należy użyć do przelewu walutowego?

    Szczególowe informacje dotyczące wyboru formularza do przelewu walutowego w systemie Millenet dla Przedsiębiorstw znajdują się w Instrukcji wyboru formularza przelewu.

  • Where are further actions performed on imported orders?

    Imported orders are available for further actions in Orders Management - Orders Working Drafts.


  • What to do when the message: "Bank auth.: repeated destination account" appears on the screen after ordering a transfer to the same counterparty (Beneficiary) several times?

    This message means that ordering a transfer requires additional authorisation on the Bank's side.

    In such cases the person who is authorised to represent your Company should call the Bank at 0 801 632 632 or 022 598 40 31 from Monday to Friday at 8.00-18.00 hrs to successfully execute orders to the recurring Beneficiary's account.

  • Why cannot I see the electronic statement in Millenet, after having defined it?

    The statement will be visible on the next working day after being defined, provided that transactions were performed on the account on that day.

  • What to do when in the option: Standing Orders – List I cannot see a standing order set-up earlier?

    Under the tab Standing Orders - List all active standing orders are shown.

    If the list is empty this may mean that:

    • The order was incorrectly set-up;
    • The order validity expired.


    For technical reasons always add one day in the order end date to the last execution date required by the user when setting-up standing orders in Millenet.

  • What number should I call if I have problems when using Millenet?

    With any questions or doubts please call 0 801 632 632 or 022 598 40 31 from Monday to Friday at 8.00-18.00 hrs.

    The call is billed in keeping with the current price list of your operator.

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Help and useful documents

Our employees will provide you with any assistance you may need as regards Bank Millennium S.A. e-banking products.

For e-banking technical assistance call us at 801 632 632 or 22 598 40 31 - on business days, Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00.

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