Bank Millennium Foundation launches the 14th edition of the Financial ABCs

The Bank Millennium Foundation is launching the next edition of the Bank Millennium Foundation's flagship educational workshops for pre-school children.


Bank Millennium Foundation published the 2024 Annual Report

Financial education for children and the implementation of initiatives for local communities through volunteering are the main activities of the Bank Millennium Foundation in 2024. The Foundation's key projects implemented in the past year are summarised in the published report.


Bank Millennium Foundation has completed the 13th edition of the Financial ABCs with an educational film

The Bank Millennium Foundation announces the premiere of a new educational film as part of the flagship programme Financial ABCs. Almost 5 500 children from 65 kindergartens took part in the autumn edition.


The Bank Millennium Foundation's grant programme – Our People'24: Save the Planet eco-volunteering – is launched

The sporting goal was achieved. Employees of the Bank Millennium Group are starting the next part of the largest sports and volunteering campaign. The Bank Millennium Foundation will allocate PLN 250 thousand for the promotion and implementation of eco-initiatives for the good of the Planet and local communities.


Over 1400 employees of the Bank Millennium Group got involved in the sports challenge Our People'24: Save the Planet for eco-volunteering

The first part of Bank Millennium's largest sports and volunteering initiative was a great success. The sporting goal was achieved. Bank Millennium will allocate PLN 250,000 for the promotion and implementation of eco-initiatives carried out by Bank Millennium Foundation volunteers this year.


The Bank Millennium Foundation's "Financial ABCs" programme has already visited over 1000 kindergartens

At the beginning of April, the spring 12th edition of the Financial ABCs, an original programme of the Bank Millennium Foundation, was launched. At the end of May, the spring edition of the programme came to an end. 234 workshops were carried out in 69 kindergartens, attended by 5381 children. The 12th edition of the programme was held under the patronage of the Ombudsman for Children.


Bank Millennium Group is back with a campaign supporting the planet – Our People'24: Save the Planet!

The next edition starts of Our People'24: Save the Planet! campaign. An initiative by employees of Bank Millennium as well as Bank Millennium Foundation volunteers. A programme that brings together employees around the idea of protecting the Planet through sports activities and volunteer work.


Global Money Week and the 8th edition of the Financial Education and Entrepreneurship Congress with the participation of Wojciech Rybak

Bank Millennium and Bank Millennium Foundation are celebrating this year's "Global Money Week". This year, we also attended the 8th edition of the Financial Education and Entrepreneurship Congress – an initiative organised by the Warsaw Banking Institute and the GPW Foundation.

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Bank Millennium Foundation starts new edition of Financial ABC – Year of Economic Education

The Senate announced 2024 as the Year of Economic Education - dedicated to building the economic awareness of Polish society. The Bank Millennium Foundation and Bank Millennium also follow the idea of financial education. We have a special week ahead of us - Global Money Week, it's the perfect time to announce that we are about to start the next, 12th edition of the Millennium Bank Foundation's Financial ABC program.


Bank Millennium supports initiatives focused on protecting the environment and our Planet

Bank Millennium supports initiatives focused on protecting the environment and our Planet. Bank Millennium and the Bank Millennium Foundation joined forces in the sports campaign "Our People'23 Save the Planet". As part of the eco-volunteering program 26 different ecoinitiatives were carried out by teams of volunteers. In total, 163 volunteers took part in ecovolunteering for the good of local communities and, above all, our Planet.


Eco-volunteering at Bank Millennium starts

Bank Millennium employees are starting the next stage of the sports and ecological challenge as part of the Our People'23: Save the Planet campaign. After the sports competition and collecting PLN 250,000 for the Bank Millennium Foundation, the time has come for eco-volunteering. Each employee can take part in a grant competition and submit their idea for the implementation of an ecological project.


The finale of Our People'23: Save the Planet!

Success of the sports and green initiative of Bank Millennium Group employees. By performing various activities, they raised money for the implementation of green projects under the banner of the Bank Millennium Foundation.


Bank Millennium Group employees support the planet in Our People'23: Save the Planet!

Our People’23:Save the Planet! has started Since 24 April this year, the employees of Bank Millennium Group, through various sports activities, have been collecting funds for the implementation of ecological projects of the Bank Millennium Foundation. The action aims, on the one hand, to encourage physical activity, and on the other hand, to draw attention to the protection of the natural environment, which is crucial for human well-being.


Bank Millennium Foundation "plans the future of the youngest": it launches the next edition of the "Financial ABCs" programme and celebrates Global Money Week 2023!

The penultimate week of March is Global Money Week 2023 (GMW) – the 11th edition of the global promotion of financial education of children and youth. In the face of crises such as the consequences of the pandemic, Russian aggression against Ukraine, inflation or climate change, education, financial skills and financial responsibility, developed from an early age, become a priority. The Bank Millennium Foundation has been taking care of the education of the youngest for years. In a moment, it will start with the next edition of the educational programme for the youngest "Financial ABCs" and celebrates the "World Money Week".


Assistance to Ukrainian citizens and financial education as the main activities of the Bank Millennium Foundation in 2022

The Bank Millennium Foundation did not remain indifferent to the fate of its neighbours fleeing the war from across the eastern border. Organising help points, support in finding accommodation, looking for a job or places to stay for children from orphanages in Ukraine is a series of activities, which were undertaken last year by volunteers – employees of the bank. Educational activities under the Financial ABCs project were also continued. In total, representatives of Bank Millennium allocated nearly 2000 hours for pro bono activities in the last 12 months. The Foundation summarised its activities in 2022 in a report just published.


WHO, if not US? #słuchaMYwspieraMY the citizens of Ukraine - film about the volunteers of the Bank Millennium Foundation programme

Today, on August 24, 6 months after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, the attacked country celebrates its 31st anniversary of independence. The Bank Millennium Foundation chose this very day to broadcast a film about volunteers - 140 employees of Bank Millennium, who implemented their 33 aid initiatives and helped 8,000 refugees in a special edition of the foundation's programme "#słuchaMYwspieraMY for citizens of Ukraine". The Bank Millennium Foundation and Bank Millennium allocated PLN 1 million for the volunteering programme and support for non-governmental organizations.


Over 5,000 preschoolers took part in the 8th edition of the Bank Millennium Financial ABC

For the eighth time, Bank Millennium Foundation in a joint effort with the Verba Foundation organized workshops in financial education designed for preschool children. Between 19 May and 1 July, more than 60 kindergartens conducted classes aimed at expanding financial knowledge among the youngest.


Good practices of Bank Millennium and Bank Millennium Foundation

Development of environmental education, a new ecological branch of the bank, supporting gender equality and people with disabilities and the involvement of employees - volunteers of Bank Millennium Foundation in helping local communities, which suffered in result of the pandemic - these are the special activities submitted by Bank Millennium to the Report "Responsible Business in Poland. Good Practices".


6th Congress of Financial Education and Enterprise

On 23 - 24 March 2022 the 6th Congress of Financial Education and Enterprise was held; Bank Millennium Foundation became the General Partner of the Event.


Good practices of Bank Millennium in the Responsible Business Forum report

Already 27 actions launched by Millennium Bank for the society and natural environment have been appreciated in the “Responsible Business in Poland” reports published by the Responsible Business Forum (FOB). From among the actions implemented in 2020 the following were distinguished: Providing funding for the first Polish COVID-19 test, Setting up the COVID-19 Infection Support Fund for Employees, programmes #zostanwdomu (stay at home) and online Financial education for pre-schoolers and their parents.


Educational activities of Bank Millennium Foundation awarded again

In this year’s edition of the Institution of the Year ranking organised by Moje Bankowanie, activities of the Bank Millennium Foundation were distinguished in the Corporate Social Responsibility category.


Summary of activities of Bank Millennium Foundation in 2020

Although 2020 was overshadowed by Covid-19, the pandemic did not stop the activities of Bank Millennium Foundation. Fighting the coronavirus became the Foundation’s priority. Already in April 2020 the Foundation provided financial support to the PAN Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, which developed the first Polish tests for presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The original plans had to change, nevertheless the Foundation continued to develop its flagship educational programme “Financial ABCs”. We moved the financial training series from kindergartens to online, and it thus became - as research showed - a much-needed tool for parents, kindergartens and kids, which is available without the need to leave home.


Guidance interviews about financial education of preschoolers

Following the e-guide “How to teach your kids about finances”, Bank Millennium Foundation prepared a series of video interviews with a psychologist on subjects related to giving financial education to kids of preschool age.


Parents of preschoolers on financial education - opinion survey results

It is best to learn about finances when aged three to seven - parents of preschoolers say in a survey carried out GfK for Bank Millennium Foundation.


Bank Millennium Foundation is starting a guide series for parents about financial education of kindergarten kids

How to teach kids about finances when at home? How to get kindergarten kids interested in learning the principles of business? Does it make sense to give kids pocket money? Advice from Bank Millennium Foundation, which prepared a guidance series on how to teach children about finances. The texts available on the Internet can be of valuable help to parents and guardians involved with home education not only during the pandemic.


Financial education is good protection for times of crisis - results of opinion survey

Financial education started already at kindergarten age makes coping with later crisis situations easier - so say most parents taking part in a survey carried out by GfK for Bank Millennium Foundation. The full survey report will be published by Bank Millennium Foundation this September.


Bank Millennium Foundation is supporting home financial education of children

Where does money come from, what is its value, why does it make sense to save and why can’t you have all the toys in the world? This is what children will find out from animations prepared specially for them about the adventures of Sebastian, the main character in the “Financial ABCs” educational programme, already available on YouTube. The author of the cycle is Bank Millennium Foundation, which wants to support parents in home tuition of kindergarten kids during the epidemic.


Millennium Foundation supported the first Polish coronavirus tests

Fundacja Bank Millennium włączyła się w działania w walce z koronawirusem i przekazała Instytutowi Chemii Bioorganicznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk z Poznania, który opracował pierwsze polskie testy na obecność COVID-19, kwotę 500 000 zł. Testy wchodzą niebawem do masowej produkcji, a Insytut prowadzi dalsze prace badawczo-rozwojowe nad testami nowej generacji. Decyzja o przekazaniu funduszy właśnie Instytutowi została podjęta przez pracowników banku w wewnętrznym głosowaniu i jest reakcją na informację, która obiegła media na początku kwietnia br., o tym osiągnięciu polskich naukowców z Wirusowej Grupy Wsparcia PAN.


#bezkonkurencyjnekobiety grant competition

The goal of the #bezkonkurencyjnekobiety Competition is to select the two most interesting cultural projects / initiatives for women, proposed and implemented by women. Projects supporting women's activities in the sphere of culture.


Revamped day room in the children’s hospital in Kielce

More than ten volunteers from Bank Millennium took part in the redo of the day room at the Child Endocrinology and Diabetology Ward in Kielce.


Volunteers promote readership in small towns

A grant from Millennium Foundation was used by employees of a Bank Millennium branch from Kujawsko – Pomorskie Voivodeship to create a library in the Children’s Home in Trzemeszno.

Volunteers in action for children from the Foreigners Centre

Yet another volunteer action is behind us. The employees from the Bank Millennium trainer team joined their forces and prepared a playground for children from the Foreigners Centre in Warsaw. It is the only facility of this kind in Poland dedicated to women and children.


Hortitherapy space from Bank Millennium volunteers

Bank Millennium volunteers from Pomorze region developed and adapted a garden for purposes of therapy for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The action was included in the grant competition of Bank Millennium Foundation.


Happy preschoolers on a new playground

“Happy Preschooler” is the name of an action carried out by employees of Bank Millennium branches in Kraków. In the grant competition of Bank Millennium Foundation the volunteers renovated and re-equipped the playground of Public Kindergarten No. 97 in Kraków.


Healthy body, healthy mind

In a grant competition of Bank Millennium Foundation employees of branches from the Eastern region carried out a volunteering action. This time they organised Sports Day in Primary School No. 88 in Kraków and donated necessary gymnastics equipment.


Volunteers in actions for the school in Mońki

Thanks to a grant from Bank Millennium Foundation the pedagogical therapy unit in No. 1 Primary School in Mońki (Podlaskie Voivodeship) received teaching aids, minor convalescence and sports gear, while the children attended interesting and joyful financial education classes.


Kindergarten children on the sensory path

Volunteers from Bank Millennium made a dream come true of a kid from one of Warsaw’s kindergartens and created a sensory path.


Sledge slope, playground and football pitch for Lublewo Gdańskie

In a volunteering action under a grant from Bank Millennium Foundation, a group of employees from Gdańsk renewed the playground, expanded the football pitch and built a sledge run in the school in Lublewo Gdańskie.


43 thousand children trained under the Financial ABC programme

The another edition of the Financial ABC - financial education programme for preschoolers has been completed. As part of the 5th edition of the project, over 400 workshops were held to train over 10,000 children from 120 kindergartens.


Volunteers helped in construction of a refuge for puppies

Almost 20 volunteers – Bank Millennium employees with their families and friends visited the construction site of a refuge for puppies and disabled animals - Judytowo.


Volunteers in Rogate Ranczo

Nearly 50 volunteers from Bank Millennium branches in Pomorskie Voivodeship performed an action in Rogate Ranczo in Bojan. Rogate Ranczo is a last-chance shelter where farm animals neglected by their previous owners recover their health and faith in people.


Volunteering action for seniors

In a volunteering action organised thanks to a grant from Bank Millennium Foundation, a group of trainers and employees from a Bank Millennium branch supported the Senior Citizens Club in Stargard (Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship).

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First-graders visit Bank Millennium

As part of the MilleWidziani project, students from one of Warsaw's primary schools visited the training center and Bank Millennium headquarters.

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Financial ABCs hailed the best social programme

Financial ABCs - the kindergarten children financial education programme carried out by Bank Millennium Foundation won the 1st place in the “Golden Banker” competition in the “Socially Sensitive Bank” category.

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Volunteers visit Maternity Home in Kraśniewo

No less than 40 volunteers - employees of Bank Millennium, their families and friends decided to help the Maternity Home in Kraśniewo (Mazowieckie Voivodeship).

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Sporty integration – a project by Bank Millennium volunteers

Sports promotion and integration with disabled persons were the goals of an action carried out by volunteers from Bank Millennium in Mońki.

Volunteers organised an integration meeting of athletes from Promień Mońki sports club and patients of Occupational Therapy Workshops - intellectually disabled persons. There are several classes held in the Workshops, including art, rehabilitation, preparing meals or everyday activities.

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New library for the integrated school in Mogilno

Bank Millennium volunteers from Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship helped equip the library, promoted readership and gave entrepreneurship classes in No. 3 primary school in Mogilno. It is the only integrated school in the area. The school has been operating as such since recently and must be adapted to the needs of disabled children. At present there is only one wheelchair ramp available; only a staircase leads to classrooms on the first floor; the library is not equipped to cater for the needs of children with impaired vision or hearing.

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Christmas volunteer action in the Children's Home in Chotomów

Regional directors from Bank Millennium together with their families organized a voluntary action for an orphanage in Chotomów in the Mazowieckie province. The facility is in financial difficulties. That is why the volunteers purchased the most needed equipment from their own funds and funds granted by the Bank Millennium Foundation. They brought and installed a new washing machine, beds and a TV set. Volunteers also organized a Christmas meeting and together with children made Christmas decorations, prepared and painted gingerbread, decorated Christmas tree, handed out gifts and sang Christmas

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The volunteers renovated the corridor at the Special School in Gdańsk

From the grant received from Bank Millennium Foundation, Bank Millennium employees renovated the corridor of the Non-Public Primary Special School in Gdańsk. This is another project implemented as a part of the employee volunteering program.

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Volunteers in an animal shelter

Employees of Bank Millennium together with their families have carried out another action in Bank Millennium Foundation’s grant competition. The volunteering programme was targeted at the animal shelter in Lublin. The shelter is now home to approx. 230 dogs, 120 cats and 44 exotic animals, which is much more than it can accommodate. The animals, which end up in the shelter are often ill or fell victim to human violence and indifference. The idea behind the volunteer action was to help the shelter, promote its activity and develop knowledge about responsible animal care.

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Volunteers did it!

“Together- we can do it” is the name of an action carried out in the Bank Millennium Foundation’s grant competition by volunteers from Bank Millennium. The project involved changing the floor in the meeting room of HORN Scouting Society. The room is used for meetings, workshops and training sessions for children and the youth.

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Rehabilitation bathroom for the disabled

Employees of Bank Millennium from Kujawsko – Pomorskie Voivodeship and their families organised a volunteering action. The project involved adapting a nursing and rehabilitation bathroom to the needs of disabled persons – patients of Arkadia Specialist Community Self-help Home in Toruń. The grant obtained from Bank Millennium Foundation was used to buy new furniture, which was then set up in the hydrotherapy bathroom. The idea was also to amplify the action and thus to draw attention to the presence of disabled persons in the community and their needs.

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Playground from Bank Millennium volunteers to the Children’s Home in Zwierzyniec

A several dozen-strong group of volunteers from Bank Millennium did another action in the grant competition of Bank Millennium Foundation. This time the volunteers made a redo of the dilapidated playground next to the Children’s Home. Together with their families as well as residents and staff of the Children’s Home, the volunteers repaired and painted the recreational equipment and set up a new gazebo. The children made their own graffiti on the grey wall surrounding the area, which gave the playground a new optimistic appearance. After the work was done the children and adults played an exciting football game. The day ended with a bonfire, sitting around which the participants shared their impressions from the event.

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Sports field for school in Lublewo Gdańskie

Sports field for school in Lublewo Gdańskie

As part of our Bank Millennium Foundation’s volunteering programme, a group of Bank Millennium employees from Gdańsk prepared a sports field for students from a small school in Lublewo Gdańskie (Pomeranian voivodship).

Children attending the school in Lublewo Gdańskie are very keen on sports. Both during their PE lessons and when staying at the school common room they are eager to spend their time outside playing football and other team sports. The only problem was that until recently there was no pitch.

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Even kindergarten kids who can count only up to ten identify PLN 200 notes faultlessly

Even kindergarten kids who can count only up to ten identify PLN 200 notes faultlessly

Children acquire financial knowledge very quickly if it is presented to them in an easy-to-understand way. This conclusion may be drawn on the basis of experience of Bank Millennium Foundation, which is implementing the Financial ABCs programme addressed to kindergarten children.

Financial ABCs is the flagship educational programme of Bank Millennium Foundation under the honorary patronage of the Minister of Education and the Children’s Ombudsman. The programme aims to explain key financial terms to kids by using play. For the last two years in the course of more than 1000 workshops the Foundation trained close to 28,000 children in almost 300 kindergartens all over Poland. Classes with the children are taught by volunteers – employees of the Bank. For purposes of the programme, also with help of volunteers, special educational materials were prepared – including books available also in Millennium branches in children’s corners.

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Financial ABCs for Children’s Day


On the occasion of Children’s Day Bank Millennium Foundation invites to Financial ABCs – financial education classes for children.

Where does money come from, how much is it worth, why does it make sense to save and why can’t you have all the toys in the world? This is what children will find out in the dedicated play area arranged in Blue City shopping centre in Warsaw. The class will include reading the Financial ABCs books and games for children with prizes to be won. Taking part in the animations will be a nice live plushie – the dog Sebastian – the main character in the Financial ABCs books.

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Financial ABCs for 200 kids from Lublin


Bank Millennium Foundation conducted the “Financial ABCs” workshop for 200 kids in Lublin – taking part in the “Business-Smart Kids” project done by the Lublin Town Hall and Maria Curie-Sklodowska University.

“Financial ABCs” is a proprietary programme of Bank Millennium Foundation carried out under the patronage of the Minister of Education and the Children’s Ombudsman. During the workshops conducted in the programme kindergarten kids learn basic concepts from the world of finances, find out where money comes from and what their value is and also see the benefits involved with saving.

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Financial ABCs for kindergarten kids

The second edition has ended of the Financial ABCs programme. Between October and December 2017 Bank Millennium Foundation trained some thousands of children in financial basics, in more than 100 kindergartens from over ten cities in Poland.

The proprietary kindergarten financial education programme of Bank Millennium Foundation, started in 2016, is carried out by Bank Millennium volunteers in cooperation with a non-governmental organisation. It aims to use play to explain basic financial terms to kids. The programme has gained patronage from the Minister of Education and the Children’s Ombudsman, which confirms its strong educational value.

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Bank Millennium Foundation supports young Polish artists

Bank Millennium Foundation has again provided sponsoring of the Young Art Compass exhibition and has sponsored the prize for the winner of the ranking of best young Polish artists.

Young Art Compass is a ranking of young Polish artists aged under 35. This year’s list has been put together on the basis of a vote of representatives of 80 Polish contemporary art galleries – commercial and public. The winner of the ranking will receive a PLN 10,000 cheque sponsored by Bank Millennium Foundation. The prize will be presented on 13 December in Galeria -1 in the Olympic Centre in Warsaw during a preview of the post-competition exhibition. The works of the young artists will be on display till 2 January 2018.

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Goodbye summer, hallo autumn – action by the bank’s volunteers

Bank Millennium volunteers carried out another action in Bank Millennium Foundation’s grants competition. This time a full-day event was organised for children from SOS Children’s Village in Biłgoraj, the main theme of the event being a farewell to autumn.

The event’s attractions included mushroom picking with prizes, sports activities, an art contest and a pumpkin carving workshop. An important part of the event were financial education workshops, which were led by volunteers from Bank Millennium. The prizes for active participation in the training were piggybanks and the prize winners undertook to put aside part of their pocket money. All these activities were intended to educate and integrate children and families from the SOS Children’s Village with the local community.

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Volunteers from Bank Millennium promote a sporty lifestyle in Silesia

Volunteers from the bank together with teachers and students from a school in Pawłowice in Silesia used a grant obtained from Bank Millennium Foundation to carry out an action promoting a sporty lifestyle among the students.

The main aim of the project was to get the young people interested in sports as a way to spend leisure time and also to integrate the students from the school. In the action the school was given sports gear and basketball games were arranged for the students. Also general education classes were held to talk to the youngsters about their passions and the benefits of engaging in sports.

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Volunteers from the Bank planted 200 trees

Within the framework of voluntary activities of the Bank Millennium Foundation, ca. 40 volnteers together with their families planted, in Las Bródnowski , 200 trees. Volunteers planted, inter alia, pear trees, plum trees and rowan trees since their fruits are components of a diet of many animal species and constitute an important element of forest eco-system. The tree planting campaign was accompanied by animations and environmental workshops for children conducted by representatives of the event co-organiser i.e. environmental foundation Aeris Futuro.

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Renovation of a school playground in the village of Czaple

A group of Bank Millennium volunteers together with pupils and teachers of the Primary School in Czaple (Kujawsko-pomorskie Voivodship) equipped the school playground with outdoor games facilities. Project was implemented from grant financing obtained from the Bank Millennium Foundation.

The activity undertaken by volunteers and local community involved painting, using water resistant paint, outdoor game formats on the school playground pitch. Games were designed by school pupils themselves. During the event, basketball boards were also assembled. Children will be able to use them during breaks between lessons, physical education classes and during their free time – also after school opening hours.

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Sensory room for children from Warsaw

„Sensory room” is a project of volunteers from Bank Millennium implemented under the competition for a Bank Millennium Foundation grant.

Beneficiaries included AlterEdu Foundation and Primary School no. 75 in Warsaw. The project involved preparation and provision of equipment and fixtures to a specialist sensory room for children with various development and adjustment dysfunctions. In effect of volunteer work and financing procurement of exercise equipment with use of Bank Millennium Foundation resources children will be able to improve their motor skills, develop spatial imagination, acquire planning skills and alleviate emotional disorders. It is worth to underscore that the only room of this type in Warsaw-Śródmieście area will be used not only by primary school charges but also by all inhabitants of the district.

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Financial ABCs under patronages of the Ministry of National Education and the Children’s Ombudsman

The Financial ABCs – a kindergarten kids financial education project of Bank Millennium Foundation has been awarded Honorary Patronages from the Ministry of National Education and the Children’s Ombudsman.


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Bank Millennium volunteers organised a Fairy Tale Vacation

A group of volunteers from Bank Millennium’s branch in Mogilno (Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship) did a summer vacation action for kids.

Thanks to money obtained from Bank Millennium Foundation volunteers from the bank prepared the Fairy Tale Vacation for kids living in Mogilno Municipality and County. The event was held in July and August and involved many attractions, which had fairy tales as their lead motif. The children took part in games with an entertainer, film shows, workshops and a fairy tale grand ball. The last of these events featured numerous competitions and a reception prepared by the volunteers and the children’s parents.

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Volunteers from Bank Millennium renewed a school library

“A book available to everyone” is an action organised by Bank Millennium’s volunteers for the grant competition of Bank Millennium Foundation. Eligible for the competition was every employee who prepared a local community project and engaged other volunteers from the bank, family and friends in its implementation.

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Training and chess tournament – arranged by Bank Millennium’s volunteers

Training and chess tournament is another action arranged for the grant competition of Bank Millennium Foundation. Every employee of Bank Millennium could take part in the competition, having prepared a project for the local community and having involved other volunteers from the bank, family and friends in its implementation.

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Świetlica Akwarium with a grant from Bank Millennium Foundation

Świetlica Akwarium is the first project to be implemented via the grant competition of Bank Millennium Foundation. The competition was open to all employees of Bank Millennium, who prepared a project for the local community and engaged other volunteers from the bank, family and friends in its implementation.

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Bank Millennium Foundation is Sponsor of Young Art Compass

Bank Millennium Foundation has yet again become the Sponsor of the Young Art Compass exhibition and has funded the prize of PLN 10,000 for the winner of the ranking list.

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Bank Millennium Foundation – Patron of the Educational Programme at the Warsaw Art Fair

Bank Millennium Foundation became the Patron of the Educational Programme at the Warsaw Art Fair to be held between October 14-16 in Kubicki Arcades at the Royal Castle in Warsaw.

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The Financial ABC educational project

The Financial ABC educational project arose in response to the growing need for financial education of the youngest. It comprises free educational workshops in kindergartens around Poland. The project’s main aim is to explain to the kids what money is all about and to teach them to manage money in a reasonable way.

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Life Inspires Us Foundation partners with Young Art Compass

On 25 November 2015 in PKOL Gallery (-1) in Warsaw results were announced of Young Art Compass ranking list and an exhibition was opened of the winners. A day later the Rzeczpospolita daily published the full list with additional comments and information.

Bank Millennium’s Life Inspires Us Foundation was a partner of both events.

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The Life Inspires Us Foundation is a Golden Sceptre 2015 award ceremony partner.

On 30 November 2015 for the seventeenth time now one of Poland’s most important cultural awards – the Golden Sceptre – was awarded. In 2015 the Chapter decided to give the award to POLISH RADIO THEATRE.

The Life Inspires Us Foundation was a partner of the concert, which accompanied the awards ceremony.

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Life Inspires Us Foundation supports Economic Knowledge Olympics

Polish Economic Society has been contracted by the Ministry of National Education to annually organise – since 1987 – the Economic Knowledge Olympics. The 29th edition started on 4 November 2015 and will end with the finals on 2-3 April 2016.

Life Inspires Us Foundation has joined the prestigious group of sponsors of this event.

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The finale of Our People'23: Save the Planet!

The Senate announced 2024 as the Year of Economic Education - dedicated to building the economic awareness of Polish society. The Bank Millennium Foundation and Bank Millennium also follow the idea of financial education. We have a special week ahead of us - Global Money Week, it's the perfect time to announce that we are about to start the next, 12th edition of the Millennium Bank Foundation's Financial ABC program.


The Bank Millennium Foundation is launching the next edition of the Bank Millennium Foundation's flagship educational workshops for pre-school children.
